Andy Bell 最新專訪
是接受瑞典一個音樂雜誌的訪問(Andy 的老婆大人好像是瑞典人耶...)
In the shadows of the brothers
September 23 - posted by xander
Expressen: What did you think when you were asked to join Oasis?
當你受邀加入 Oasis 的時候心裡在想些什麼?
Andy Bell: My first reaction was that this is a crazy idea, There's
not a chance I can do it.. I just felt - No. But then I thought
immediately "No, you fool. You have to answer yes on this cause this
is fantastic". And the day after the phonecall i flew to England.
E: How is it to be in the shadow of the brothers?
AB: It fits me really good at this time as a 31 year old man. I've
got my chances to play the mainrole. I did it in Ride and in
Hurricane I was the only songwriter. It worked a while but it demands
so much energy so I come to the conclusion that it fits me well to
have a less leading role in a band.
Andy 表示其實就目前步入 30 歲階段的心境看來,他認為自己是滿適合擔任團裡
“不那麼主導”的角色,畢竟在之前 Ride 或 Hurricane#1 的時期,
E: How much Influence do you got on Oasis?
你在 Oasis 裡產生了多大的影響力?
AB: It's Noels band. I understood that from the beginning. I don't
have so much power to be honest. But I trust him.
E: What do you give to Oasis?
那你又“給”了 Oasis 些什麼呢?
AB: I'm a guy which is easy to be with. I have great taste in music
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
and clothes. I'm a cool cat. I don't know. That's it....
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^哈哈哈哈哈說得好啊;)
E: Musically?
AB: I'm a really amazing bassplayer. I have a part in the sound and
that makes me happy.
E: Do you hang out with the other members in Oasis?
你常和 Oasis 其他團員一起出去“鬼混”嗎?
AB: It's in the whole attitude. After the rehearsels the first weeks
we didn't just go home. They wanted me to hang out with them all the
time and become good friends. That's a must if you wants to be a part
of the same band.
In the interview Andy Bell confirms that he has written one song for
the new album: "Thank You For the Good Times" which according to Andy
reminds him of "Some might Say".
哦 Andy 跟記者確認他真的為新專輯寫了首叫 "Thank You For the Good Times" 的歌
而且據他自己形容,這首歌會讓人想起"Some might Say"ㄋㄟ...
He also said that he spends much time with the other members,
especially Liam who he often goes out with and buy clothes.
Thanx To John..! for the translation of this swedish article.
Patsy "Gallagher"
Thou shalt repeatedly say and believe that
thy band is the best band in the world.
--NoelRock. 10 Commandments of Oasis
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