[歌曲] 新歌配信 Dystopia

看板ONE_OK_ROCK作者 (扭曲的藍月)時間5月前 (2024/10/25 00:58), 5月前編輯推噓9(908)
留言17則, 8人參與, 5月前最新討論串1/1
Dystopia https://youtu.be/djkelGOcR-Q?si=kh-ZuZUmkr-kbdNt
Dystopia (Japanese Version) https://youtu.be/8ALhkbSc7vU?si=qB2y_W09AgrnVtfo
之前有作為news zero的片尾相信一部分已經有聽過了吧 這次在世巡洛杉機場也同時透露了一點MV 所以應該近期就會上了!! 話說官方Shorts之前的感覺是對比the beginning 現在完整版出了不知道大家怎麼想XD 日文版歌詞 (有對照節目上字幕、應該不會錯、網路上查亂糟糟XD Tryin' to find some inner peace Apocalyptic tendencies We blame it on a whisper For the shame that's in our system Pain in all our yesterdays And fears that keep us wide awake We're looking for a reason When did we become the heathens? My colors bleed, I'm turning blue You say "God speed", I'll follow you We got no place to go and nothing to lose Find euphoria in dystopia Let our souls become the magnets No running from the sadness Find euphoria in dystopia Where there's love and understanding No running from the sadness 暗がりを抜けて 作る不確かなメロディー 繋ぐのは君と僕 No more getting in my own way 目も眩む(くらむ)スピードで 青く滲んだ 僕は 失うものも行くあてもない Find euphoria in dystopia Let our souls become the magnets No running from the sadness Find euphoria in dystopia Where there's love and understanding No running from the sadness Dystopia Connecting you and I It's only up And I'm still holding tight Find euphoria in dystopia Let our souls become the magnets No running from the sadness Find euphoria in dystopia Where there's love and understanding No running from the sadness Dystopia -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ONE_OK_ROCK/M.1729789134.A.C1F.html

10/25 04:53, 5月前 , 1F
音樂上很像回到35的時候 MV是藝術
10/25 04:53, 1F

10/25 08:19, 5月前 , 2F
10/25 08:19, 2F

10/25 10:01, 5月前 , 3F
覺得比較像是Eye of storm 時期的樂風
10/25 10:01, 3F

10/25 10:49, 5月前 , 4F
加上演唱會釋出的新歌 看來新專更流行了…
10/25 10:49, 4F

10/25 11:32, 5月前 , 5F
10/25 11:32, 5F

10/25 11:34, 5月前 , 6F
10/25 11:34, 6F

10/25 17:25, 5月前 , 7F
10/25 17:25, 7F

10/25 22:25, 5月前 , 8F
10/25 22:25, 8F

10/25 22:26, 5月前 , 9F
10/25 22:26, 9F

10/25 22:26, 5月前 , 10F
樓上 因為那首是2016就寫好的歌啊 壓到去年才放
10/25 22:26, 10F

10/25 22:27, 5月前 , 11F
補充 是7樓
10/25 22:27, 11F

10/25 22:28, 5月前 , 12F
然後官方short可以換個小編來拍嗎 一堆超級尬
10/25 22:28, 12F

10/25 22:35, 5月前 , 13F
目前新發3首,delusion all感覺完整度不夠,像是少
10/25 22:35, 13F

10/25 22:35, 5月前 , 14F
10/25 22:35, 14F

10/25 22:45, 5月前 , 15F
10/25 22:45, 15F
補了歌詞 話說shorts也是有真唱的啦 但大多對嘴真的尬沒錯

10/26 00:06, 5月前 , 16F
這首我是感覺比the beginning簡化,少了點哀愁感
10/26 00:06, 16F

10/26 00:10, 5月前 , 17F
10/26 00:10, 17F
※ 編輯: fddk ( 臺灣), 10/26/2024 00:56:20
文章代碼(AID): #1d6dpEmV (ONE_OK_ROCK)
文章代碼(AID): #1d6dpEmV (ONE_OK_ROCK)