看板Motley_Crue作者 (M)時間15年前 (2008/11/14 17:25), 編輯推噓1(100)
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http://www.sleazeroxx.com/news08/1112six.shtml SIXX:A.M. RELEASING DELUXE EDITION OF HEROIN DIARIES SOUNDTRACK WITH BONUS EP, LIVE IS BEAUTIFUL, ALSO AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Sixx:A.M. is about to release a deluxe version of their album, The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack on November 25, available exclusively at Best Buy. The deluxe edition includes a never-before released live EP, Live Is Beautiful which will also be released separately for those who have already purchased The Heroin Diaries (how cool is that?) Live Is Beautiful (produced by Sixx:A.M. and mixed by James Michael) was compiled from several performances on this summer's Crue Fest, and features riveting renditions of the tracks "Life Is Beautiful," "Tomorrow," "Pray For Me" and "Accidents Can Happen." When asked what Sixx:A.M. meant to him, DJ Ashba said, "we have such passion for it that when we're together it's like magic." The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack Deluxe Edition featuring bonus disc Live Is Beautiful The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack: 1. X-Mas In Hell 2. Van Nuys 3. Life Is Beautiful 4. Pray For Me 5. Tomorrow 6. Accidents Can Happen 7. Intermission 8. Dead Man's Ballet 9. Heart Failure 10. Girl With Golden Eyes 11. Courtesy Call 12. Permission 13. Life After Death Live Is Beautiful Bonus EP: 1. X-Mas In Hell (Live) 2. Pray For Me (Live) 3. Heart Failure (Live) 4. Intermission (Live) 5. Dead Man's Ballet (Live) 6. Tomorrow (Live) 7. Accidents Can Happen (Live) 8. Life Is Beautiful (Live) For more info, please visit: www.SixxAMmusic.com Courtesy of www.sneakattackmedia.com -- ●// 啊… 操他媽的先踩過我屍體再說!\ ●■︽ ● ■︿ ★╲ ▄▄ # ◣ ◣ / = \ ╲╲ ─⊙-⊙- ◣ ◥◥◤◢ ◢◢ ︿ 唔…╲ ┌︵ ﹏ # 皿 ◣★◣◣◣ ◤◢ \\● ■︶–— — –— ┌┌▂▃▄▄︶◢ ◣◥◣◥ 碰☆ ◤◢◤ ﹥﹥ …噠噠噠 ◢◤◥ ◣★◣ ☆★★★☆◢◢ ◢/﹀ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/14 20:16, , 1F
11/14 20:16, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #197KG3Dd (Motley_Crue)