Friday Night Speech
Howdy, Los Angeles! Having a good time? It's kind of confusing
trying to have a good time this week as you all know, and I want
you all to know how priviliged I feel to be in the position that
I am in today.
We don't...we're not doing the show because we want people to
forget, we're doing the show because we want to remind people of
how precious life is. And how full of joy it should be.
The tragedy that occrured this week is unthinkable but i want to
think of it as a big fucking wakeup call. OK?
But now that we're all awake, we should stay awake.
Acts of terrorism are going on in this country on a regular
basis, ok? In England, in Ireland, in...Israel, in Palastine, in
India, in Tibet, and Pakistan and Sri Lanka, in Africa and
Bosnia and Afghanistan. I could go on and on. OK?
Last night, last night we said a prayer for in a moment of
silence, ok, 18,000 people shut up. Hard to believe but it's
true. We had a moment of silence where we said a prayer for
everyone who died Tuesday morning, for all the family and
friends of those who died. Tonight, I'd like everyone to say a
prayer for peace. I'd like everyone to say a prayer that
President Bush practices restraint in his decision making, and
he does not retaliate this act of violence with another act of
violence, ok. Because violence only begets violence.
So please everyone, no kidding, can we just keep quiet, bow our
heads, grab the person next to you, I don't care, but please,
say a prayer. Repeat, because I don't know about you but I want
to live a long and happy life, I want my kids to live a long and
happy life, ok.
[Long pause followed by chants of "USA! USA! USA!" from the audience.]
All right, all right, I knew it wouldn't go on for a minute. OK,
USA, yeah, but the whole world OK. Start thinking in a global
way. Please! Thank you very much. Thank you.
[cheers during reset]
I said it last night and I'm going to say it again, if you want
the world to change, change yourself.
※ Origin: 交大機械工廠 ◆ From:
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