[情報] Marilyn Manson Collapses Onstage

看板M_Manson作者 (亨利)時間12年前 (2013/02/07 14:21), 編輯推噓5(500)
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原文連結: http://ppt.cc/pZqe Marilyn Manson has apparently collapsed onstage during a prematurely concluded show in Saskatoon, Canada. As reported by AntiQuiet a handful of fans at the show have taken to their twitter accounts to report on the unfolding drama. 大意: 曼森在加拿大演出安可時在台上突然嘔吐倒下,送往急救。 樂手們在曼森倒下後還持續表演了一段時間,直到鼓手技師喊停。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/07 16:57, , 1F
02/07 16:57, 1F

02/08 12:04, , 2F
02/08 12:04, 2F

02/09 00:40, , 3F
02/09 00:40, 3F

02/12 00:08, , 4F
02/12 00:08, 4F

04/10 19:13, , 5F
樓上害我笑了出來XDDD MM要保重阿!!等你再來!!
04/10 19:13, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #1H4qVaR3 (M_Manson)