[情報] 強尼戴普及將和曼森合作MV!!!!!

看板M_Manson作者 (奧黛莉赫本的羅馬假期)時間13年前 (2012/03/21 23:35), 編輯推噓6(602)
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Johnny Depp, Marilyn Manson to duet on 'You're So Vain' 有沒有板友可以把它翻成中文....XD 版豬英文能力差,看得好吃力。 Johnny Depp has a new duet partner. While rumors of the actor's possible split from longtime girlfriend French singer Vanessa Paradis swirl in the tabloids, word arrived Tuesday that he will sing with his pal shock rocker Marilyn Manson on his upcoming "Born Villain" album. The duo, who have been friends since Manson's song "The Nobodies" was used in Depp's 2001 film "From Hell," will tackle the Carly Simon classic "You're So Vain." (Though "Born Villain" doesn't arrive in stores until May 1, fans on Long Island may get a sneak preview of the song when Manson plays The Paramount in Huntington on April 29.) While Depp hasn't done much singing in public, his love of music is certainly no secret. A onetime owner of the famed Los Angeles club The Viper Room, Depp jammed on guitar with Keith Richards at the after-party for his movie "The Rum Diary" at Hiro Ballroom in October, days after joining ZZ Top on stage. Depp's duet with Manson is a way to spark interest in the Ohio native's new album, the "Antichrist Superstar's" first since 2009's "The High End of Low" and the first release on his own label Hell, Etc. "You're So Vain" won't be the album's first single, however. Manson has already picked "No Reflection" to kick off his comeback campaign. Of course, that won't stop all the bets on who Depp and Manson might be addressing with the kiss-off song. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/21 23:59, , 1F
03/21 23:59, 1F

03/22 01:07, , 2F
03/22 01:07, 2F

03/22 21:54, , 3F
03/22 21:54, 3F

03/22 21:57, , 4F
03/22 21:57, 4F

03/22 22:44, , 5F
03/22 22:44, 5F

03/23 18:37, , 6F
03/23 18:37, 6F

03/24 03:34, , 7F
03/24 03:34, 7F

03/27 00:17, , 8F
Wow wow wow wow wow~~
03/27 00:17, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1FQVL8vr (M_Manson)