Re: [情報] 'Danger Days…' could be our 'last b …

看板MCR作者 (甜甜圈化)時間13年前 (2010/11/10 14:15), 編輯推噓9(903)
留言12則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《henryokc (亨利)》之銘言: : : My Chemical Romance have hinted that 'Danger Days: The True Lives Of The : Fabulous Killjoys' may be a watershed for the band after stating it could be : their "last big adventure". : Speaking to the Sunday Times, frontman Gerard Way admitted that band scrapped : a first attempt at the record after deciding to be "extremely brutal" about : which material to include. : "There are songs that, if we'd been talking a year ago, would have been the : first and second singles, but now no longer exist. We rewrote the record," : Way declared. : The band, who parted with drummer Bob Bryar during the sessions, are due to : release the album on November 22. : "This record could be our last big adventure - that's why we had to make it : again, that's why we spent the money, that's why we're going to spend more on : how it looks than we ever have," Way explained. : The singer also expressed dissatisfaction with the campaign for their last : album, 2006's 'The Black Parade', suggesting it turned into a "misery tour". : : "I didn't raise enough questions on 'The Black Parade', I just set up a load : of bleakness and misinterpretation," he commented. : ============================================================== : 大家對於last big adventure的解讀是什麼呢? : 我是知道專輯原本是要早很多出的,因為BOB退團所以從新編曲過 不是這樣的,之前Gerard有解釋過。新專輯之所以會晚出是因為MCR對原來已經 寫好的歌不滿意,覺得因為想要推出與Black Parade完全不同的風格,在寫歌 的時候充滿限制,反而失去了屬於MCR的靈魂。所以雖然大概在去年底的時候就已經 準備好要開始打歌了,他們決定重回錄音室,重新尋找他們的聲音。 所以新專輯不是重新編曲過,而是幾乎全新重寫。也就是說,他們寫了兩張... 至於Bob退團大概就是在MCR決定放棄第一版,開始寫第二版的時候。至於退團 到底是改版的原因之一,還是結果,至目前為止並沒有官方說法。根據MCR對前前鼓手 Matt的離開守口如瓶的態度看來,我們可能永遠不會知道... : (可是不要把Stay拿掉嘛... : 我是認為是,他們覺得這張可能是這一夥人在一起的最後一張作品 : 反正不管怎麼解讀不可能是要散的意思XD : 還有我對他對The Black Parade的負評嚇到了... 是說這篇文章是nme把MCR跟別家媒體做的訪問拿來斷章取義,人家明明意思是指 在寫專輯的時候把它當做the last big adventure,所以是用盡全力,不管明天 的意思。Gerard稍早也在twitter上面澄清了: @Dan__Morris wow- talk about a severe misinterpretation of a statement. Every big adventure should feel like your last, every attempt should feel like a final charge up the hill. Tomorrow doesn't exist. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/10 14:39, , 1F
tomorrow does not exist!
11/10 14:39, 1F

11/10 14:55, , 2F
the aftermath is secondary!
11/10 14:55, 2F

11/10 18:34, , 3F
原來我只看到頭跟尾... 感謝A大!
11/10 18:34, 3F

11/10 18:40, , 4F
Gerard Way真的太熱血了
11/10 18:40, 4F

11/12 01:12, , 5F
鬆口氣推~ 感謝解釋>______<
11/12 01:12, 5F

11/16 15:11, , 6F
11/16 15:11, 6F

11/17 16:16, , 7F
官網似乎有整張可以聽了!! 不過好抒情..
11/17 16:16, 7F

11/17 16:16, , 8F
11/17 16:16, 8F

11/17 19:04, , 9F
11/17 19:04, 9F

11/17 19:04, , 10F

11/17 20:09, , 11F
我比較甲意na na na 跟 zero percent
11/17 20:09, 11F

12/19 21:13, , 12F
12/19 21:13, 12F
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