[閒聊] Jay Gordon FB留言
Jay Gordon (Orgy)的主唱 悼念Chester 他們以前曾經一起同台演出過
Everyone did a great job today considering the circumstances.
Striker, Joe Hahn, Mike Shinoda, Ryan Shuck, Church, Henry
Nicholas, and everyone involved, I appreciated hearing your
stories as we sent off our homie, and I know that it was very hard
for all of you to be able to get up there and speak to everyone
and try to maintain your composure, while speaking about Chester,
in front of his family and friends.
Your words, were heartfelt, and real, as well as noble and
courageous of all of you guys.
I wish Talinda, and the kids, my very best, and if there is
anything that I can do to help ease the pain of your unfathomable
loss, even to a degree, please let me know, and I'll do my best to
be there in any way I can for you guys!
RIP to Chester Bennington. You will not be forgotten my boy! I
will truly miss you my guy! Love you! Xoxo
P.S. anyone that can make me a leather version of this bracelet,
please hit me up on messenger, cause I'd like to purchase several
for his kids and his band mates, & send them to them.
Thanks !
在這樣的情況下今天每個人都做得很好,Striker、Joe Hahn、Mike Shinoda等所有
如果Talinda和孩子們有任何需要我幫助撫平你們的傷痛和失去 請一定要告訴我
安息吧Chester Bennington 我永遠不會忘記你的 一直想念你 愛你
另外他也PO了一個上面有Chester名字的手環 說如果有任何人知道要怎麼做一個
真皮版本的請告訴他 他想要買好幾個給他的孩子和團員們
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LinkinPark/M.1501460692.A.A3A.html
07/31 09:41, , 1F
07/31 09:41, 1F
※ 編輯: ChesterB (, 07/31/2017 13:44:41
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