Mike Blog:給支持和痛恨我們的人 專輯發行感言
Mike對於大家對新專輯的評論 也寫了一篇落落長的Blog 大概翻一下
Hey guys. I’ve been getting some questions regaring my thoughts about the
album release, so I thought that I’d try to address some of them.
To start, a quick review: about a year and a half ago, we made a conscious
decision to take our music in a new direction. Once the music started
flowing, it became a modern, alternative sound–an abstract, concept-driven,
50-minute journey. We predicted the album release would be incendiary; the
new direction would be welcomed by some, and fervently resisted by others.
Now, with that album out in stores, it seems that you guys are curious about
our intentions behind the music, and our reactions to the noise being made
about A Thousand Suns.
大概回顧一下 一年半前 我們下了決定要讓我們的音樂有個新方向 而當我們開始寫歌時
出來的聲音是比較現代 多變 概念式的 我們預測當我們發行時會是像火藥一般的結果
有些人會接受 有些人會抗拒 而現在隨著專輯發行 你們似乎對於我們寫音樂背後的動機
Let’s get the simple part out of the way. To the fans who like the new
album: a million thanks for your support. There are some of you that have
been with us for a long time, and are thrilled about the new sound; there are
others who weren’t sure of the new album at first, but have given it a
chance, and are now reaping its rewards. And there are others who have never
been fans of Linkin Park, but are interested in the band for the first time
with A Thousand Suns. We’re happy to have all of you on board, and we
appreciate your good words and rave reviews.
對於喜歡這張專輯的歌迷 謝謝你們的支持 很多人跟了我們很長的時間 對於新專輯你們
很驚愕 你們不確定該有何感覺 但你們給了他一個機會 也有人從來不是LP的歌迷 第一次
因為這張專輯喜歡我們 我們對於你們大家都很歡迎 我們謝謝你們好的評價
A friend of mine told me a story from his childhood: when he was a little
kid, his dad, who never had any facial hair, left for a trip and came home
with a beard. His son took one look at him and ran away, demanding, “what
happened to my real dad?”
我有個朋友曾經告訴過我一個關於他童年時的故事 當他還是小孩時 他爸從沒留鬍子
有一次爸爸出門旅行 回來長了鬍子 他看了爸爸一眼 跑走說 我真的爸爸發生了什麼事
So let’s talk about “haters.”
We’ll ignore the fact that there are people out there who would review and
rate an album without really listening to it, who might preview some of the
tracks and throw down an opinion (although I think the music stores and
websites should keep the right to “rate it” limited strictly to those who
have bought and listened to something). I don’t need to tell you that the
internet can breed negativity-for-negativity’s-sake. So let’s skip that
nonsense, and talk only about the people who were already Linkin Park fans,
but listened to the new album and didn’t like it. As I write this, one of
the most popular iTunes (US) reviews of A Thousand Suns is by Janxrod, who
gives the album one star and asks “What happened to the real Linkin Park?”
In response to this review, one knee-jerk reaction I found seems to be an
assumption that people who dislike ATS simply love heavy metal and hate
alternative / electronic music. But, in their defense, many of the “
one-star reviewers” are not brainless cynics who talk shit because they’re
我們會忽視那些從來沒認真聽專輯就評論的人 有些人可能聽了幾首就發表意見 事實上
我認為這些網站應該要只讓那些有買專輯真的有聽的人來評論 不用我來告訴你網路上有
太多為反對而反對的人 所以就跳過這些人吧 我們來談談那些原來是LP歌迷的人 聽了
卻不喜歡的人 在我寫這篇文章時在itune上對於ATS最有名的評論者是Janxrod 他給了
一顆星 評論真正的LP到底發生了什麼事 就像膝反射一樣 我發現不喜歡ATS的人 很多
是只喜歡重金屬而討厭電子另類搖滾樂 但是我也必須說 很多一星評論著並不是沒腦的
I’m a curious guy, so I did some research about Janxrod. Although 7/10 of
his favorite albums include stuff like Disturbed, Shinedown, and Dethklok…he
also likes Daft Punk. He’s not opposed to a little variety. So what
bothers Janxrod so much about A Thousand Suns? One reason is that, according
to his page, we “write songs about how pissed off they are at their old
fans, telling them to go f*** themselves. That’s not mature, that’s just
我是個很好奇的人 所以我去研究了一些Janxrod 他大部分喜歡的專輯是Distrubed
Shinedown....但他也喜歡Daft Punk 所以他的口味還挺多元的 所以到底是什麼原因讓
他這麼討厭ATS勒 根據他的評論 我們寫的歌是說我們有多對我們的舊歌迷生氣 我們跟
歌迷說去死吧 這很不成熟 這很不尊重
Know what? I agree. That’s a bad message. The problem is: it’s not
really our message.
知道嗎 我承認 這的確是個壞訊息 但是問題是 我們給歌迷的訊息根本不是這樣呀
Let’s clear it up: the other guys and I have said many things in the past,
not all of it thoughtful or respectful (sorry, we’re human too). But let it
be known that we love and respect our fans of all eras. And, just as we
stand behind Hybrid Theory, we stand behind the work we put into A Thousand
Suns, so we think it’ll be a rewarding listen if you decide to give it a
chance (like Justin Lewis, Jeffrey Griffith, and James Montgomery did). And,
in case Janxrod decides to give the album a chance, our door will always be
來澄清一下 我和其他團員的確在過去說過很多事情有些並不是這麼尊重和體諒別人
很抱歉 我們也只是人 但是你必須知道 我們愛和尊敬我們各個時期的歌迷 就像我們
捍衛混合理論一樣 我們也同樣捍衛一千顆太陽 所以我們認為如果你們願意給這張專輯
一個機會 會得到不同的感受 假如Janxrod決定給這張專輯一個機會 我們的大門一直敞開
Some will always lazily claim that a band has “gone pop” or “sold out.”
As far as I know, “selling out” means compromising the integrity of your
band/music in exchange for money or popularity. Never before has this claim
been so absurd. This is the opposite of a “sell out” album; don’t let
anyone tell you otherwise. If money and popularity was the goal, the safe
bet would be to try to make Hybrid Theory again. Outside our studio walls,
the climate for music is different: according to Nielsen SoundScan, of the
97,751 albums released in 2009, only 12 of them sold more than one million
units last year. Everyone in the world is buying music by the song, not by
the album. So, more than ever before, to stand behind one whole 50-minute
piece–asking the fan to listen to the whole thing rather than a couple songs
–is unquestionably a big a request. (Some people want to color that request
as a “marketing tactic,” that we are asking people to buy the whole thing
instead of a couple songs. If that was the case, we’d be the worst
marketers ever. Clearly, a collection of “hit singles” is a better reason
to buy a whole album than a concept record.) Radio singles still sell an
album. A concept album requires a leap of faith on the listener’s part.
The whole “sell out” argument is wholly illogical.
很多人總會很懶惰的下結論 說這個團變流行了 出賣自己了 根據我所知出賣自己指的是
你妥協了樂團的音樂內涵而去換取金錢和名聲 這是我聽過最荒謬的指控 這張專輯可說是
和出賣自己完全相反 如果金錢和名聲是我們的目標 最安全的作法是我們再做一張混合
理論 現今的音樂氛圍已經不同了 根據統計2009年發行的97751張專輯 只有12張賣了超過
一百萬張 世界上的每一個人現在買音樂都只買歌而非一張專輯 所以要求歌迷聽完整張
50分鐘的專輯而非只有幾首歌現在是個巨大的要求 有些人會說這是我們的商業戰術 要求
大家買整張專輯而非只有幾首歌 如果我們真的是這樣的話 我們大概是世界上最糟的行銷
者 很顯然的一張充滿熱門歌曲的專輯會比一張概念專輯要好賣的多 一張概念專輯需要的
是聽眾的堅持 大家對於我們出賣了自己的指控是完全不合邏輯的
So why did we make such a big change? “What happened to the real Linkin
Park?” We’re still here. We look and sound different, but the intention
behind the music is the same as it has been since day one: in the studio, we
are constantly in search of new sounds that excite and inspire us.
所以為何我們要做這麼大的改變 真正的LP到底發生了什麼事 我們一直在這裡 我們
看起來和聽起來不同了 但是我們做音樂的動機一直都跟第一天時一樣 在錄音室裡我們
Hearing that our album debuted at #1 in 15 countries gave us all a massive
feeling of gratitude, but if being in this band has taught me anything in the
past decade, it’s that you can’t base your happiness on things that are out
of your control. The truth is, we’re believers that good, honest art will
triumph at the end of the day. But the measure of real success isn’t sales,
numbers, and chart position. It’s about a connection with a dedicated fan
base and a chance to introduce people to a fresh new sound.
聽到我們的專輯在15個國家拿下了第一 我們非常的感激 但是如果在團中十年來我有學
到什麼的話 那就是我們的快樂不該建設在那些我們無法掌控的事 事實上我們相信好的
誠實的藝術 在最後會得到獎賞 而成功真正的衡量標準不是在於賣了多少唱片 和在排行
榜哪個位置 而是在於你和你忠誠歌迷間的聯繫 還有能介紹給人們新聲音的一個機會
See you on tour, where we’ll be playing songs from “Hybrid Theory” through
“A Thousand Suns.” Fans of every era are welcome.
我們在巡迴中見了 我們會表演從混合理論到一千顆太陽的歌曲 任何各時期的歌迷都歡迎
Mike寫的很好 最好是出這樣的專輯是變商業化喔~~~
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