永遠的Leslie--時代雜誌 2001.5月份

看板Leslie (張國榮)作者 (悼張國榮 )時間21年前 (2003/07/17 00:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
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帶著一種兼有調情和強迫的誘惑方式和與觀眾挑逗, 經久不衰的leslie cheung--  演員,歌手,流行偶像--是香港偉大的的夢幻情人。 BY RICHARD CORLISS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 在王家衛的1990年的《阿飛正傳》的頭幾分鐘裏面,leslie cheung開始 和張曼玉搭話。她可愛而孤獨。他積鬱而過於冷漠。透過憂鬱,他向maggie 吹噓"你今晚會夢到我" 。第二天,他又來了,她嘲笑根本沒有夢到他。" 當 然," 他帶著老練的自信回答道,"因為你根本沒有睡覺" 。 這就是我們的Leslie, 溫文而雅,有絕對的自信,又帶著些殘忍無情(他們愛 他這點),還有一些隱隱的孤僻的憂鬱。 作為一個從70年代末期開始的一 個粵語流行音樂偶像和電影明星,張被一直被加拿大的評論家John charles稱 為"香港的貓王" 。他拿最高的電影片酬,他的新音樂CD "forever lesile" 在排行上攀升,他的演唱會仍然讓全世界的他們(指歌迷)蜂擁而來。拉斯維 加斯的凱撒宮的耶誕節前的演出, 票價高達到238美元。 在家鄉,他是貪心的狗仔隊的薄荷糖," 他們跟著我到任何地方",他說," 他們知道我的車牌號碼,所以不論我在 Mandarin酒店的咖啡廳還是在 Propaganda(一個內情人知道的新酒吧),他們都會在那裏。我甚至不會把我的 垃圾筒 放在我的屋子外面,有人會在裏面找東西然後賣掉。"   如果張不是仍然處於他的光輝時代--如果他不是還是如此要命的才氣縱橫, 他足以被稱為是流行音樂生命裏的一個里程碑。"猜猜他多大了?" (仿佛 LESLIE是一張閣樓上正在腐壞的畫像)。張44歲了,假如後半生裏他在公眾 的眼裏有了變化,那麼是在他的或慷慨或節制的誘惑中,變的更為駕輕就熟。 他在誘惑你的同時又放棄,調情的同時又有些抗拒。他是在亞洲的娛樂行業中 ,他有著最狡猾伶俐的,最具煽動性的挑逗。 作為一個演員,他是驚人的多才多藝,遊刃有餘在在藝術片(比如《霸王別姬》 裏面的矛盾的同性戀的京劇名角),動作片(如《英雄本色》裏面衝動的年輕 員警。),悲劇浪漫片(如《夜半歌聲》裏面幽靈般出沒的歌手)和輕鬆誇張 的喜 劇(如《金支玉葉》裏的音樂人)。去年,他在《槍王》裏面扮演一個 變態殺手。 在這些各類的角色裏面是無法替代,迷一般難以琢磨的Leslie: 一個美麗的男 人,對那些拜倒在他的魅力下的人來說,他的性感是一種賜禮或是象天災一樣 讓人無法抗拒,備受折磨。最典型的是情況是,她們愛他但他離開了她們,他 在電影裏說過"我不愛你"的次數一定比任何人都多。但是他不僅僅在鏡頭前表 演,他在鏡頭前是用一種精緻的微妙的懷疑去演繹。在一個全身的鏡子面前僅 僅用一段老練的恰恰舞來表現主人公的自戀,他在《阿飛正傳》裏面這段表演 使這個情節魅力無窮。接下來,在令人難以忘懷的接近片尾處,沒有移動一處 肌肉,他卻改變了情感的氣氛,你可以看見這種感覺從他的體內象臉上的紅暈 或擦傷的淤青一樣蔓延開來。 在演唱會上,他不斷的遊說那些比較沈默的觀眾直到他們在舞臺前面舞成一團 ,向這個流行音樂之神表示支援。他們直率 的狂熱把他點燃了,張被愛著, 他擁有著幾乎完全赤裸裸的愛慕。在他的全年度的熱情之旅裏,包括兩周前在 香港舉辦的,他穿了八套JPG的設計作品,按照逐變狂野的次序,從一件帶著 天使翅膀的白色禮服,到一件頑皮的短裙(和長長的黑色假髮)。在他的多倫 多演唱會上,有一個聲音大叫著"我愛你,LESLIE",他說"我也愛你們,不管你 是男孩還是女孩"。這句話恰原來<金枝玉葉>中的臺詞,但是現在正示意了張 雌雄難辯的演出服。兼有著憂鬱和爆發力,同時可以有嘲弄的笑和興奮的眼淚 ,LESLIE是男人也是女人。 張欣賞自己勇敢的角色演繹,他最新的MV是有一段舞蹈表現的(和一個日本 男芭蕾舞者),因為過於性感而被TVB電視臺禁播了,TVB是香港最頂級的 電視頻道。他知道這給觀眾帶來了懷疑--或者抱怨 --因為他是GAY, 儘 管他還沒有公開宣稱他的性取向。" 更準確的說我是雙性戀",張補充道," 我曾有過女朋友。當我22歲的時候,我曾向我的女朋友毛舜勻求婚' 。 " 作為毛上個月的電視SHOW的嘉賓,張戲稱,"如果你那時候肯嫁給我,就會 完全改變我的一生"。 他的生活在那之前是頗多變故的,張國榮是一個香港裁縫和他的妻子的10個 孩子中最小的,這個香港裁縫曾給威廉霍頓和艾爾非德希區柯克做過衣服。 "我的童年並不快樂。爭吵,打架,我們也不住在一起,我是我的祖母帶大的" ,他最近的兄弟也比他大8歲,leslie說他是"最小的也是最孤獨的,我的哥 哥們忙著約會女孩子的時候,我被遺忘在角落裏,和GI JOE或者芭比娃娃玩。 這真是悲哀,我的父親不能控制他的脾氣,對我或我的母親,我過去常這樣想" 這就是他們所說的婚姻嗎?' " 在他12歲的時候,他去了英國位於norfolk的Norwich School, "那裏有種族 問題,歧視" ,他說,"但是我在那裏交了朋友,在週末的時候,我去 Southend-on-Sea那裏看我的親戚,那兒他們有一個飯店,我在那裏做酒招待 ,我會做一些業餘的演唱。" 在那個時候,他已經取了他的英文名字,"我喜 歡看電影《飄》,我喜歡LESLIE HOWARD.這個名字可以是男的也可以是女的 ,是個沒有性別的名字,所以我喜歡它"。 在里茲大學的紡織管理專業學習了一年後,他回到了香港並在ATV的亞洲音 樂大賽中得了第二名(唱的是"AMERICAN PEI" 。他的1978年的電影, 《紅樓春上春》僅因為他的露臀鏡頭而被關注,但是,電影製作人把他的外形 視做一個新的明星類型, 漂亮,脆弱,危險。他現在還有,不過做的更好。 他是帶著不羈的JAMES DEAN, 或者是更深度的JOHNNY DEPP。 在電影《倩女幽魂》和《胭脂扣》,他飾演的是兩個迷人的鬼的情人,他做了 很聰明的轉型,後來在陳凱歌的《霸王別姬》裏面,他的表演贏得了國際上的 喝彩-這仍然是他最完滿最偉大的一個表演。但是是王家衛詮釋了Leslie的內 心世界,《阿飛正傳》裏他是一個60年代的阿飛(無所事事的年輕人),這 部電影為張贏得了香港金像最佳男演員獎。在《東邪西毒》裏面,他演一個好 戰的惡棍,在這部集合了眾多最出名的中國明星和視覺華麗的電影裏,他老練 地穩如泰山。在並不是所謂的同性戀電影《春光乍泄》裏,他教梁朝偉如何入 戲。 電影開始就是一段兩個主角的做愛鏡頭,"當我們準備拍這段床戲時,Tony震驚 了" ,張回憶道,"他不願意拍。整整兩天,他很可憐,躺在床上。我就過去對 他說," 看看我吧,我經歷了這麼多場的吻戲,撫摸女孩子,抓揉胸脯,你覺 得我真的很喜歡嗎?只是把它當做一個工作罷了,就當做是一個普通的愛情戲, 我不會愛上你的,我也不想和你真的做愛,你不是我喜歡的類型"。 後來他同意拍了這段戲。"換一句話說,tony, 好傢伙呀,你為什麼不試著去演 一演呢? 儘管張導演了一部一個小時長度的音樂劇和一部很多明星出演的反吸煙電影,他 會繼續演戲,他很快和梅豔芳,莫文蔚在關錦鵬的電影會合作,他還希望和張藝 謀以及《臥虎藏龍》裏面的公主章子怡合作。仍然,永遠年輕的leslie對他自己 在97後的香港的位置有著一些迷惑,"我已經瀝血工作了20年了," 他動容的說,"我曾經一貧如洗,為日常生活而奔波忙碌。現在我能住在一個有 著合理的空間的獨立的大房子裏面。我在韓國和日本仍然擁有知名度。但是我可 能對香港來說太陳舊了,這個地方太繁華,太粗俗,太奢華,我對於香港太脆弱 了,我從來沒有把我當做成他們中間的一個。" Leslie, 親愛的孩子,為什麼不再次看著鏡中的你自己,跳一段優雅的恰恰呢? 你會看到你一直也仍然是:夢幻中的愛人,美麗的虞姬,與甜美的王子。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二 英文版(ORIGINAL TEX) Forever Leslie Teasing his audiences with a seductive style that both flirts and forbids, durable Leslie Cheung-actor, singer, pop idol-is Hong Kong's great phantom lover BY RICHARD CORLISS In the first minutes of Wong Kar-wai's 1990 Days of Being Wild, Leslie Cheung strikes up a chat with Maggie Cheung. She's lovely and lonely; he's smoldering and supercool. Out of the blue, he purrs a boast to Maggie: "You'll see me in your dreams tonight." Next day he comes by again, and she brags that she didn't dream of him. "Of course," he replies with practiced confidence, "you couldn't sleep at all." That's our Leslie: suave, cocksure, with a touch of the brute (they love him for it) and a hint of sad solitude. A Canto-pop idol and film star since the late '70s, Cheung has been called "the Elvis of Hong Kong" by Canadian critic John Charles. He gets top dollar for film work, his new CD Forever Leslie is climbing the charts, and his concerts still pack 'em in around the world; for a pre-Christmas gig at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, tickets went-fast-for as much as $238. At home he is catnip for the voracious paparazzi. "They follow me everywhere," he says. "They know my car numbers, so they're there whether I'm at the Mandarin Hotel Coffee Shop or at Propaganda (a hip new club). I don't even put my litter outside the house. People try to find things and sell them." Cheung could qualify as a monument to pop longevity if he was not still in his glistening prime-and if he was not still so damned gorgeous. Any visitor to Hong Kong who mentions his name to a local will hear the same refrain: "Guess how old he is" (as if he kept a rotting portrait of himself in the attic). Cheung is 44, and if he has changed at all during his half-life in the public eye, it is to become more wily in the lavishing and husbanding of his allure. He simultaneously seduces and withdraws,flirts and forbids. He is the most cunning, provocative tease in Asian showbiz. As an actor, he is terrifically versatile, at ease in art films (as Farewell My Concubine's conflicted gay opera star), action thrillers (as the sensitive young cop in A Better Tomorrow), fantasies (as Brigitte Lin's mountaintop lover in The Bride with White Hair), dark romances (as the haunted singer in The Phantom Lover) and fluffy comedies (as the music mogul in He's a Woman, She's a Man). Last year he played a psycho killer in Double Tap. Inside these varied characters is the irreducible, enigmatic "Leslie": a beautiful man whose sexuality is a gift or a plague to those who fall under his spell. Typically, they love him and he leaves them; he must have said, "I don't love you" more times than anyone else in movies. But he doesn't just mesmerize the camera; he works subtle wonders before it. He glamorizes a scene in Days of Being Wild just by appraising himself in a full-length mirror while doing an expert cha-cha. And then, in unforgiving closeup, without moving a muscle, he will somehow change emotional temperature. You can see feelings rise in him like a blush or a bruise. In concerts he woos staid Cantonese audiences until they are dancing en masse in front of the stage, votaries to the pop god. Their innocent ecstasy turns him on; Cheung has an almost naked love for being loved. In his year-long Passion tour, which concluded two weeks ago in Hong Kong, he wore eight Jean-Paul Gaultier outfits, in ascending order of out rageousness, from a white tux with angel wings to a naughty skirt (and long black wig). At his Toronto concert a voice cried out, "I love you, Leslie!"; he said, "I love you too, whether you're a boy or a girl." The line happens to be one he delivered in He's a Woman, She's a Man, but it winks at Cheung's androgynous appeal. With a soul both pensive and explosive, equally capable of derisive laughter and hot tears, Leslie is all man-woman. Cheung enjoys this audacious role playing; his latest music video featured a pas de deux (with a Japanese male ballet dancer) so sexy that it was banned by TVB, Hong Kong's top channel. He also knows that it leads audiences to the suspicion-or compliment-that he is gay, though he has not publicly declared his sexual orientation. "It's more appropriate to say I'm bisexual," Cheung notes. "I've had girlfriends. When I was 22 or so, I asked my girlfriend Teresa Mo (his frequent co-star in TVB serials of the time) to marry me." As a guest on Mo's cable TV show last month, Cheung bantered, "If you'd agreed to marry me then, my life might have changed totally." His life was eventful long before then. Cheung Kwok-wing was born the youngest of 10 children of a Hong Kong tailor-he made suits for William Holden and Alfred Hitchcock-and his wife. "I didn't have a happy childhood. Arguments, fights and we didn't live together; I was brought up by my granny." His nearest sibling was eight years older; Leslie says he was "the youngest and the loneliest. My brothers would be dating girls and I was left alone in the corner, playing GI Joe or with my Barbie doll. It was miserable. My father couldn't control his emotions, with me or my mother. I used to think, 'And this is what they call marriage.'" At 12 he was sent to the Norwich School in Norfolk, England. "There were racial problems, discrimination," he says. "But I made friends there. And on weekends I'd go see my relatives in Southend-on-Sea, where they ran a restaurant. I was a bartender, and I'd do amateur singing." By this time he had chosen his English name. "I love the film Gone with the Wind. And I like Leslie Howard. The name can be a man's or woman's, it's very unisex, so I like it." After a year studying textile management at the University of Leeds, he returned to Hong Kong and placed second (singing American Pie) in ATV's Asian Music Contest. His 1978 film debut, Erotic Dream of the Red Chamber, was notable only for his butt-baring. Still, filmmakers saw his appeal as a new kind of star: beautiful, tender, dangerous. He still has it, and better. He's James Dean with a mean streak, or a deeper Johnny Depp. Cheung did smart star turns as the lovers of two beguiling specters in A Chinese Ghost Story and Rouge, and he would later earn international acclaim in Chen Kaige's Concubine-still his fullest, grandest performance. But it was Wong Kar-wai who illuminated the inner Leslie on the big screen. Days of Being Wild made him a '60s Ah Fei (shiftless youth) whose mistreating of women is his payback to the mother who deserted him; it won Cheung a Hong Kong Film Award for best actor. In Ashes of Time, cast as a martial-arts scoundrel, he ably anchored a film of top Chinese stars and rapturous visual splendor. In the not-so-gay drama Happy Together he taught Tony Leung Chiu-wai how an actor prepares. The film opens with a stark scene of the two main characters having sex. "When we tried to shoot the love scene it really shocked Tony," Cheung recalls. "He refused to do it. For two days he was miserable, lying on his bed. So I went up to him and said, 'Look at me, Tony, I've gone through so many scenes kissing, touching girls, grabbing breasts, do you think I really enjoyed it? Just treat it as a job, a normal love scene. I'm not going to fall in love with you, and I don't want you to really have sex with me. You're not my type.' So he agreed to do the scene." In other words: Tony, dear boy, why not try acting? Though Cheung has directed an hour-long music drama and an all-star anti-smoking film, he will keep acting; he soon joins Anita Mui and Karen Mok in a Stanley Kwan film, and hopes to work with Zhang Yimou and the Crouching Tiger princess, Zhang Ziyi. Still, forever -young Leslie is having midlife doubts about his standing in post -'97 Hong Kong. "I've worked bloody hard for 20 years," he says passionately. "I was penniless, dying hard for my groceries. I can now live in a reasonably sized detached house. I'm still very strong in Japan and Korea. But I may be a little passed in Hong Kong. The place is so extravagant, vulgar, expensive. I may be too soft for Hong Kong. I don't always count myself as one of them." Leslie, dear boy, why not try looking at yourself in the mirror and doing an elegant cha-cha? You'll see what you've been and still are: phantom lover, concubine, sweet prince. -- 一笑萬古春 一啼萬古愁 此境非你莫屬 此貌非你莫有 --葛優評張國榮 << 霸王別姬 >> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: shyvango 來自: (07/17 00:33) ※ 編輯: shyvango 來自: (07/17 00:35) ※ 編輯: shyvango 來自: (07/17 00:37)
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