[閒聊] 我試圖翻譯的泰國訪問文

看板LeeMinHo (李敏鎬)作者 (聽天由命)時間15年前 (2009/04/14 02:16), 編輯推噓10(10026)
留言36則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
裡面有些地名泰文的 我就不管了 反正大概意思有到就好了吧~~~ 有些我隨便翻耶 哈哈 如果有錯或什麼的可以提點我一下 XD The interview translated from Thai to English: Note that I did skip a few Questions/Answers because they sounded repetitive, like I read it somewhere before. 這訪問是由Thai翻譯成英文的: 容許我省略一些問答部分,因為似乎是不斷重複一些我曾經聽過的訪問 First, Min Lee Ho introduces himself, “Sawatdee Krub, I’m Lee Min Ho” 一開始,李敏鎬做了簡單的自我介紹 : Sawatdee Krub ,我是李敏鎬 (雙手合拾) (話說 是三晚豬腳嗎?) And then the interview starts… 然後開始訪問 -Is this your first time in Thailand? 問:這是你第一次到泰國嗎? LMH: Yes, it is my first time here. 鎬:是的,這是我第一次到這個地方 (一臉興奮) -You have been in Thailand for 4 days now, how do you feel and how do you to feel about Thailand? 問: 你已經在泰國呆了四天,不知道你對泰國的感覺是什麼? 那你覺得泰國是怎麼樣的國家呢? LMH: Previously, I was in Hua Hin doing a commercial for a cosmetic line and I noticed that Thailand is a very beautiful country, a place where you want to travel to. Today, it is my first time in the city. 鎬: 首先, 這是我第一次來到這個城市,我是來到Hua Hin作一個化妝品的廣告拍攝, 然後我注意到泰國是一個很漂亮的國家,也是一個很適合度假旅行的國家 -Have you tried Thai food yet. If you have, do you remember what’s it called? 問:你有嚐嚐看泰國的食物嗎? 如果有的話,你知道這個東西叫什麼嗎? LMH: I had some, the one that I can recall is “Padthai”, it’s delicious because it’s both sweet and sour. It’s very delicious. 鎬: 我有嚐過一些, 我知道是叫作“Padthai”,很好吃,因為吃起來酸酸甜甜的, 非常非常好吃 (可以想像那貪吃的樣子 XD) [It's kinda funny, it just seems like all Korean stars love "Padthai". Rain loves "padthai". Well I do too, "padthai" is the sh*t! ] 這位FAN說敏鎬的反應很有趣,因為似乎韓國明星都很喜歡"Padthai", Rain也愛....(後面應該是這位FAN的情緒詞)... -How does Thai food compare to Korean food? 問:那你覺得泰國食物和韓國食物比起來呢? LMH:The favors are very similar, the thing that is differnt is the rice. Korean rice is more sticky while Thai rice is more loose. 鎬:是滿相似的,不同的地方是米飯類的,韓國的飯比較黏,泰國的飯比較散 (話說 我不是很喜歡泰國米耶 ~"~ ) -You came to Thailand to go a commerical, can you tell us where you filmed and how you think it will turn out? 問:你為了拍廣告來到泰國,你可以說說你在哪裡拍攝的,還有會呈現是什麼樣子的成品呢? LMH:We filmed in Hua Hin, the concept is nature and the ocean is the background. I think it will turn out beautifully, please follow up on it. 喔 我們在Hua Hin拍攝,整個架構是以大自然海洋為背景,我覺得廣告會呈現出非常漂亮 的樣子,希望大家可以繼續關注 -Your drama"Boys Over Flowers"is very popular in Korea and even in Thailand, though it has not yet aired here. Some Thais have seen your drama and now you’re very famous in Thailand, were you aware of this? How do you feel about it? 問:你的作品"花樣男子"在韓國非常的紅,甚至是泰國,雖然還沒在本國上映, 但泰國人民已經看過你的作品而且非常的支持你,你怎麼看到這個現象呢? LMH: The first time I came to Thailand, I have fans to welcome me. I almost couldn’t get out of the car to be here because there were so many fans. I’m delighted that my drama has made me recognizable to the Thai people. I hope that in the future I will have the opportunity to come to Thailand often. 鎬:當我第一次踏上泰國時,有很多粉絲來歡迎我,而且我甚至無法下車, 因為真的有太多的粉絲了,我很高興我的作品能夠讓大家認同, 希望以後可以常到泰國來 (感覺這孩子已經飛到半空中了... XDD) [I skipped the part where they asked him about the plot of "Boys Over Flower" because I think everyone knows it by now.] 我省略我對花樣男子這部劇的提問 (話說 我滿想知道他問什麼~~ 是問候半段鬼打牆嗎 我也好想知道喔~~) -Back when you were still in school, did you have friends like in the “Boys Over Flower” series? 問:回到你還是學生的時候,你有類似像花樣男般的朋友嗎? LMH:Back in middle school, I had friends like that, there was 9 of them. To this day, we’re still close. You can’t call us F4, you would have to call us F10. 鎬:恩 回到中學的時候,我有一些朋友都滿帥的,差不多有9個,到現在我們都還滿要好的, 你不能叫我們F4,要叫我們F10 !! (我又想說 都你在說耶 XDDD 還F10 不是ㄟ不破 是ㄟ不掭喔!! XDDD) -Pretty soon the Goo Joon Pyo hairdo might be a hit in Thailand, how do you feel about that? 問:很快的具俊表的髮型將會在泰國掀起一陣流行風潮,你的感覺怎麼樣? LMH: At first, I didn’t like the haircut because I looked like an auntie with my crazy curls. Gradually as we started filming,I started to like it. It has it’s charms. In Korea, some are trying it out. I’m sure in Thailand they will too. It will be interesting (Smiles). 鎬:其實呢,一開始我不是很喜歡具俊表的髮型,因為看起來很像大嬸般大捲,但慢慢的開始 開拍之後,我慢慢的習慣也喜歡了,它有它的魅力存在,在韓國已經有人在做嘗試, 相信泰國也很快也有的,這會是一件相當有趣的事情 (大嬸般!!! XDDD 他真的對這髮型印象深刻阿!!! XDDD) -How has being a famous celebrity changed your life? 問:成為一個炙手可熱的明星有沒有改變你的生活? LMH: It’s hasn’t changed that much. The thing that is obviously a big change is that where ever I go, I have fans following me. It gives me a lot of encouragements and I want to do well by them. I want all my fans to keep following me and follow my work continuously. 鎬:當然有改變很多部分.最明顯的改變就是不管我走到哪裡,都會有很多粉絲跟著我, 這都能給我很大的力量,為了他們的支持我會更努力完成我的工作,我希望他們可以一直 不斷跟隨著我支持著我 (是說 這小孩希望大家從早到晚24小時都跟著他耶 !! 哈 少跟一秒鐘他會很難過的) 還有 問到這邊他已經飛上天去了.....XDDDD 不過這樣可愛的他當然要不斷持續的支持他囉 ^^ -What is your favorite scene in the series? Was it the kissing scenes? 問:在這部劇裡,你最喜歡的片段是什麼呢? 是Kiss戲嗎 LMH: Of course, I like the kissing scenes.I have a lot of kissing scenes with Jandi, just when I’m about to kiss her, there is something to obstruct us. Luckily love prevailed. –Note this Q/A translation is a little off. 鎬:當然囉!! 我喜歡Kiss戲, 我有很多場和金絲草的吻戲,當我要吻她的時候, 就會有東西阻礙我們,幸運的是愛戰勝了一切......... (這部分我覺得很詭異) -Have you seen versions of your drama from other countries? 問:你有看過其他國家的版本嗎 LMH: a little bit. 鎬:有看一些 -After the completion of “Boys Over Flowers”, do you still keep in contact with your F4 co-stars? Will you work together again? 問:在拍完花樣男子之後,你還有和另外F3有聯繫嗎? 你們還會在一起嗎? LMH: We still keep in contact continuously. When I go back to Korea tomorrow, I will have to go to Japan to promote this drama with everyone. We’ll probably be together for 2-3 days in Japan. I’m happy to get a chance to reunite with them. 鎬:我們一直有連絡,明天我回韓國之後,我們會一起去日本宣傳我們的作品給大家, 我們會在一起差不多2~3天左右,我很高興能有機會可以跟他們在相聚 -Both Koreans and Thais are infatuated with you, what do you think is your best feature? 問:韓國泰國都有很多人對你很著迷,你覺得你吸引人的地方是什麼? LMH:Do Thai women like tall men? I think my best feature is my height. 鎬:泰國人喜歡高的男生嗎? 我覺得我的特色是高度吧 (內心應該有無窮多的答案 今天剛好輪到身高吧.... XDDD) -Can you describe your ideal girl? 問:你可以描述一下你的理想型嗎? LMH:I like petite women and a woman who is confident. 鎬:我喜歡漂亮的有自信的女生 (? 你是怕泰國沒有白的嬌小的可以報名伴侶徵選會嗎? XD 怎麼條件不同呢? XD ) ( 像s大說的 很體貼沒有符合的真正條件泰國人們 XDD ) -Currently, we’re celebrating the Songkran festival (Thai New Year), it occurs every year. Have you ever heard of it? Traditionally during the Songkran festival, Thais make a visit to see their parents and give them well-wishes. Do you have any well-wishes for your Thai fans during this holiday? 問:我們在慶祝Songkran(泰國的新年),每年都會舉行,你有聽說過嗎? 泰國人會去見父母親然後給他們祝福,在這個節日裡你對泰國粉絲們有沒有什麼祝福? LMH:For this Songkran festival, I don’t want everyone to play water with just their friends, playing water with your family is better. I hope everyone can spend more time with their families and be happy in their family life because family is the most important thing. 鎬:恩,對於Songkran,我希望大家不要只和自己的朋友玩水,也和自己的家人一起玩水, 我希望大家多花時間陪伴家人度過美滿的家庭生活,因為家人是最重要的 (哈哈哈 他逼迫大家一定要跟家人玩水 XDD 真可愛 話說 敏鎬真是愛家的人 GOOD! ) [During the Thai New Year, people splash each other with water to celebrate.] -Soon, “Boys Over Flower” will air in Thailand, can you introduce this drama to your Thai fans? 問:很快的,花樣男子,將會在泰國播出,你介紹一下這部劇給泰國粉絲們吧 LMH:In this drama, there might be parts where the Thai people might not understand because Korean and Thai culture are different; nonetheless, I think viewers will find it enjoyable to watch. I hope in the future everyone watches this drama. 鎬:在這部劇裡,也許許多泰國人會因為泰國韓國之間的文化不同而無法理解, 但我相信你們會發現這是一部值得看的劇,希望未來大家都可以看看這部劇 (似乎 無法理解應該不是這個原因喔!!) -Since you have come to Thailand, how do you feel about the Thai people or your Thai fans? Do you think your Thai fans are little aggressive? 問:既然你已經來到泰國,你對泰國人泰國粉絲的印象如何呢? 你會不會覺得泰國粉絲有幹勁(太激動?)了? LMH: I like aggressiveness, my Thai fans are very similar to my Korean fans in the province of Pusan. Personally, I like things that are intense (smiles). 鎬:我喜歡有幹勁的(!!),我的泰國粉絲很像在釜山的粉絲一樣, 就我個人而言,我喜歡刺激緊張的事情(笑) (是在預告日本台灣的粉絲們 要引起他的注意 就要瘋狂一點嗎 ? XDD ) –The drama “Boys Over Flower” has ended successfully, do you think there will be a sequel? 問:花樣男子的成功,你覺得會有續集嗎? LMH:I’m not part of the production team, I’m just an actor (laughs). As of right now, there is no plan for a sequel. If there was one, I will gladly participated in Part 2. 鎬:我不是製作團隊,我只是個演員(大笑),就目前為止,是沒有續集的開拍計畫, 如果有,我會很樂意參與其中 喔發~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: thousandgirl 來自: (04/14 02:16) ※ 編輯: thousandgirl 來自: (04/14 02:17)

04/14 02:18, , 1F
話說 是不是用顏色比較好看 但我不會用耶 ~"~
04/14 02:18, 1F
※ 編輯: thousandgirl 來自: (04/14 02:29)

04/14 02:26, , 2F
04/14 02:26, 2F

04/14 02:27, , 3F
覺也讓你到美國玩了一趟一樣XDD" 等等一定來仔細閱讀!^^
04/14 02:27, 3F

04/14 02:28, , 4F
04/14 02:28, 4F

04/14 02:28, , 5F
的發音的XDD 但好難用文字表達出來喔!哈
04/14 02:28, 5F

04/14 02:30, , 6F
對阿 我不知道要用哪個字表達 太難了 ~""~
04/14 02:30, 6F

04/14 02:32, , 7F
04/14 02:32, 7F

04/14 02:52, , 8F
04/14 02:52, 8F

04/14 02:53, , 9F
吶*^^* 且還可以搭配t大那最獨特的os服用真是享受,哈!
04/14 02:53, 9F

04/14 02:53, , 10F
04/14 02:53, 10F

04/14 02:54, , 11F
04/14 02:54, 11F

04/14 02:54, , 12F
04/14 02:54, 12F

04/14 02:55, , 13F
04/14 02:55, 13F

04/14 02:55, , 14F
04/14 02:55, 14F

04/14 02:56, , 15F
04/14 02:56, 15F

04/14 02:57, , 16F
04/14 02:57, 16F

04/14 02:58, , 17F
04/14 02:58, 17F

04/14 02:58, , 18F
04/14 02:58, 18F

04/14 07:23, , 19F
04/14 07:23, 19F

04/14 08:32, , 20F
s大看到你的推文 真是又讓我感動到也飛上天去了~~
04/14 08:32, 20F

04/14 08:32, , 21F
是說 喜歡看這小朋友訪問 因為都是他最自然最真誠的
04/14 08:32, 21F

04/14 08:35, , 22F
一面 而且雖然沒有畫面但看到文字就很有畫面的可愛~
04/14 08:35, 22F
※ 編輯: thousandgirl 來自: (04/14 09:09) ※ 編輯: thousandgirl 來自: (04/14 09:15)

04/14 11:30, , 23F
噗~原來最後的喔發是over阿 我以為是法文咧(音相似)
04/14 11:30, 23F

04/14 11:31, , 24F
還想說這孩子怎麼冒出法文 哈哈哈~XDDDD
04/14 11:31, 24F

04/14 11:39, , 25F
對耶 像法文的"喔科發" (早安嗎? 我忘了) XDDD
04/14 11:39, 25F

04/14 12:08, , 26F
是goodbye的意思 剛好也可配得上訪問結束 哈~真懷念法文
04/14 12:08, 26F

04/14 12:53, , 27F
04/14 12:53, 27F

04/14 13:12, , 28F
04/14 13:12, 28F

04/14 13:42, , 29F
感謝t大 不用再跟英文奮鬥真好 XDDD
04/14 13:42, 29F

04/14 13:43, , 30F
敏鎬這小孩的訪問真的都很有趣 有些回答真的都會讓人
04/14 13:43, 30F

04/14 13:43, , 31F
不由自主會心一笑 XDDD 希望他能一直有這樣的赤子之心
04/14 13:43, 31F

04/14 15:05, , 32F
04/14 15:05, 32F

04/14 16:49, , 33F
那是再見阿~哈哈 我忘記了 XD petite 是嬌小阿 因為
04/14 16:49, 33F

04/14 16:52, , 34F
我一快速喵過去 以為是 prettily之類的 哈哈哈!!猜錯
04/14 16:52, 34F

04/14 16:53, , 35F
了 感謝j大指點唷 ^o^
04/14 16:53, 35F

04/14 18:43, , 36F
04/14 18:43, 36F
文章代碼(AID): #19uu5vJ6 (LeeMinHo)
文章代碼(AID): #19uu5vJ6 (LeeMinHo)