[討論] Lady Gaga 表演新歌 All I Need Is Time

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女神卡卡 Lady Gaga 在《FireAid 洛杉磯慈善晚會》閉幕式上首次演唱新歌〈All I Nee d Is Time〉,這首歌由她與未婚夫為了「野火救援」共同創作。 Lady Gaga Closes FireAid by Debuting New Song ‘All I Need Is Time’ Written W ith Fianc ‘It’s Just for Tonight’ 音樂會直播重播這邊看: https://www.youtube.com/live/yrEKrBs1LVQ 影片時間軸: 5:44:18 - Shallow 5:48:55 - Always Remember Us This Way 5:52:32 - All I Need Is Time 百變流行天后 Lady Gaga (女神卡卡) 擔任了1/30週四晚間「FireAid 洛杉磯野火慈善音 樂會」的最後一位表演歌手。Lady Gaga 首次公開與未婚夫 Michael Polansky (麥可波 蘭斯基) 共同創作的一首全新歌曲〈All I Need Is Time〉,並獻給了洛杉磯野火的受災 人們。 As the final artist to take the stage at Thursday night’s (Jan. 30) FireAid b enefit concert, Lady Gaga left her mark by debuting a brand-new song written w ith her fianc Michael Polansky, for the victims of the Los Angeles wildfires . https://i.imgur.com/8PI5DZc.jpeg
Lady Gaga (女神卡卡) 帶著黑色直髮亮相,頭上戴著一頂黑色的寬邊帽,她在介紹當晚 將演唱的最後一首歌時說道: 「我和我的朋友 Michael (麥可),我的未婚夫,我的愛人,一起為你們寫了這首歌。僅 限今晚,這只是為你們而創作的。我認為我們現在各方面需要許多東西,但我認為我們可 能還需要點時間,時間是治癒創傷的良藥劑。」 “Me and my friend Michael — my fianc my love — we wrote this song for you ,” Gaga said to introduce her final song of the night, with her hair in a blu nt black cut topped off by a wide-brim black hat. “It’s just for tonight. It ’s just for you. I think we all need a lot of things right now, but I think s omething we may also need is time. Time is a healer.” 〈All I Need Is Time〉這首歌的前奏與這首出人意料的輕快歌詞相符,副歌重複地唱著 「All I need is time. (我需要的是時間)」這句歌詞。表演快結束時,Lady Gaga (女 神卡卡) 帶領著觀眾一起大合唱這首令人難忘的副歌,宣洩了觀眾們無處發洩的情感。 Lady Gaga (女神卡卡) 的一位團隊代表證實這首他創作新歌歌名是〈All I Need Is Tim e〉。 The intro matched the lyrics of the unexpectedly jaunty song, whose chorus rep eats the line “All I need is time.” A rep for Gaga confirms that the song is titled “All I Need Is Time.” By the end of the performance, she led the cro wd in a cathartic sing-along of the memorable refrain. https://i.imgur.com/jGIujb2.jpeg
Lady Gaga (女神卡卡) 在她表演的前兩首歌曲中,呈現了她的首部主演電影《A STAR IS BORN》 (一個巨星的誕生) 中的角色 Ally,並演唱了電影中拿下 Billboard Hot 100 ( 美國告示牌百大熱門單曲榜) 的冠軍單曲〈Shallow〉(擱淺帶),這首歌曲原與搭檔 Brad ley Cooper (布萊德利庫珀)的二重對唱。 她也演唱了她另一首全球熱門金曲〈Always Remember Us This Way〉(永遠記得我們現在 的樣子),Lady Gaga (女神卡卡) 透過歌詞談到了整晚迴盪的主題「失去」——失去生命 、失去家園、失去珍貴的紀念物,歌詞唱道:「So when I’m all choked up and I can ’t find the words/ Every time we say goodbye, baby, it hurts」 (每當悲傷哽住 了咽喉,一字一句都說不出口,每次的說再見的時候,都當讓我心如刀割)。 For her first two songs, Gaga channeled her A Star Is Born character Ally by p erforming the film’s Billboard Hot 100-topping smash hit “Shallow” (sans du et partner Bradley Cooper) as well as solo standout “Always Remember Us This Way.” The latter spoke to the themes of loss that reverberated throughout the night — loss of lives, loss of homes, loss of cherished mementos — with the lines: “So when I’m all choked up and I can’t find the words/ Every time w e say goodbye, baby, it hurts.” https://i.imgur.com/1tCF423.jpeg
據報道,Lady Gaga (女神卡卡) 本週末將有更多新歌即將發布,她將於週日發表她將於 3/7 發行的全新創作專輯《MAYHEM》中的一首新歌,當晚她也將在葛萊美頒獎典禮 (GRAM MYs) 與 Bruno Mars (火星人布魯諾) 一起帶著他們的熱們對唱歌曲〈Die With A Smile 〉(笑死) 角逐「年度歌曲獎」與「最佳流行組合/團體演唱獎」。 Lady Gaga will reportedly have more new music arriving this weekend, when she unveils a new song from her forthcoming March release Mayhem on Sunday timed w ith that night’s Grammy Awards, where she’s up for song of the year and best pop duo/group performance alongside Bruno Mars for their duet “Die With a Sm ile.” https://i.imgur.com/dEdpN99.jpeg
週四晚,Gaga 和其他數十名歌手在加州英格爾伍德的起亞論壇和 Intuit 穹頂體育場進 行表演,為野火救援和受災社區重建籌集資金。 Gaga was one of dozens of performers who performed across the Kia Forum and th e Intuit Dome in Inglewood, California, on Thursday night to raise funds for w ildfire relief as well as rebuilding efforts in the affected communities. 鼓勵那些想要向洛杉磯野火救援基金會捐款的人們訪問 fireaidla.org。並承諾「NBA 洛 杉磯快艇隊」主場的「Intuit Dome 體育場」演唱會期間大家的每一筆捐款都會進行匹配 。 Those wanting to donate to Los Angeles wildfire relief funds are encouraged to visit fireaidla.org. For every donation pledge made during the concert, Conni e and Steve Ballmer — owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers and the Intuit Dome — will match it. 來源: https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/lady-gaga-fireaid-new-song-debut-all-i-nee d-is-time-1235888547/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LadyGaga/M.1738472178.A.9D5.html
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