[情報] 女神卡卡將加入《星際大戰 STAR WARS》?

看板LadyGaga作者 (玫瑰色鍊金術)時間3月前 (2024/11/28 11:25), 3月前編輯推噓1(100)
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據傳《小丑:雙重瘋狂》好萊塢影星「女神卡卡 Lady Gaga」與盧卡斯影業會面,洽談參 演《星際大戰》的角色 https://i.imgur.com/bRtd4nr.jpeg
儘管目前我們所掌握的資訊有限,但有一則新傳聞稱,Lady Gaga 已經與「盧卡斯影業 L ucasfilm」會面,討論未來可能參演《星際大戰》(Star Wars)系列的一個神秘角色。 在最近有消息透露 Lady Gaga 將在 Netflix 的熱門《星期三》第二季中客串演出之後, 外界傳聞這位由全球流行巨星成功轉型為演員的 Lady Gaga 可能正在計劃前往那個遙遠 的銀河。 據爆料媒體 My Time To Shine Hello 表示,Gaga 曾與盧卡斯影業會面,討論參演一個 即將上映的《星際大戰》項目中的神秘角色。 目前我們所知的資訊就只有這些,但自從 Gaga 因電影《一個巨星的誕生》(A STAR IS BORN)獲得「奧斯卡最佳女主角」提名以來,她已成為好萊塢最炙手可熱的演員之一。因 此,如果她正在為一些重要的經典電影系列角色鋪路,這也不會讓人感到驚訝。 最近我們得知,迪士尼和盧卡斯影業希望讓《星際大戰》電影系列的戲劇部分重新回到正 軌,這是在《天行者崛起》(Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker)票房表現不如預期之 後做出的決定。儘管這部三部曲的最後一部並非完全失敗,但它的表現不如工作室預期, 也遭到許多粉絲的批評。 目前有不少正在開發中的大銀幕和小銀幕專案,Lady Gaga 很有可能參與其中,包括最近 宣布由賽門金博格 (Simon David Kinberg) 將擔任編劇和製片人的新的三部曲。 最初的報導稱這部新三部曲將繼續講述「天行者家族 Skywalker family」的故事,包含 第10、11、12集,但隨後有其他相互矛盾的報導出現,知情人士認為金博格將「開啟一個 全新的傳奇,並與由詹姆斯曼格 James Mangold、莎敏奧巴伊德奇諾伊 Sharmeen Obaid- Chinoy、塔伊加維迪提 Taika David Waititi 和唐納葛洛佛 Donald McKinley Glover 等人參與的《星際大戰》相關專案並行開發。」 Lady Gaga 在最近的電影《小丑:雙重瘋狂》(Joker: Folie a Deux) 中飾演「Lee」( 小丑女-哈莉奎茵)的演出獲得許多高度讚揚,儘管該電影的票房討論度爆表、票房反響 冷淡,依然有傳聞表示她可能也與「漫威工作室 Marvel Studios」會面,商討是否加盟 MCU 如果 Lady Gaga 真的有望參演未來的《星際大戰》系列新作品,你希望她扮演哪個已存 在的角色呢? https://youtu.be/_OKAwz2MsJs
《小丑:雙重瘋狂》(Joker: Folie a Deux) 由備受讚譽的編劇/導演/製片人「陶德菲利 普斯 Todd Phillips」執導,這部備受期待的電影是 2019 年奧斯卡獲獎電影《小丑》的 續集,該片在全球票房收入超過 10 億美元,並成為歷史上第二高票房的 R 級電影。 新片中,瓦昆菲尼克斯 (Joaquin Phoenix)再次出演他獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角的雙重角色 亞「瑟弗雷克/小丑 Arthur Fleck / Joker」,與奧斯卡得主「女神卡卡 Lady Gaga」( 《一個巨星的誕生》)對戲。 電影還有奧斯卡提名演員布蘭頓葛利森 Brendan Gleeson(《英倫對決》)和凱薩琳凱娜 Catherine Ann Keener(《逃出絕命鎮》、《柯波帝:冷血告白》)出演,另外薩琪畢 茲 Zazie Beetz 也回歸扮演她在《小丑》中的角色。 此片被評為 R 級,原因包括「強烈的暴力、語言、一些性愛場面,以及短暫的裸露」。 來源: https://reurl.cc/NbrDnn . Lady Gaga 影視作品參與列表: 電影 / 紀錄片: 2011《糯米歐與茱麗葉》-電影主題曲 2013《殺千刀重出江湖》-女配角 2014《萬惡城市:紅顏奪命》-女配角 2014《布偶歷險記:全面追緝》-友情客串 2015《消音獵場》-紀錄片主題曲 2017《女神卡卡:五呎二吋》-個人紀錄片 2018《一個巨星的誕生》-女主角、電影音樂 2021《GUCCI: 豪門謀殺案》-女主角 2022《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》-電影配樂 2024《小丑:雙重瘋狂》-女配角 影集: 2015《美國恐怖故事:旅館》女主角 2016《美國恐怖故事:羅亞諾克》特別客串 2025《星期三》 角色未定 https://i.imgur.com/HRyt3it.jpeg
JOKER: FOLIE A DEUX Star Lady Gaga Rumored To Have Met With Lucasfilm About ST AR WARS Role Though we have very little to go on, a new rumor is claiming that Lady Gaga ha s met with Lucasfilm about potentially taking a trip to the galaxy far, far On the heels of the recent news that Lady Gaga is set to make a cameo appearan ce in the second season of Netflix's Wednesday, we're hearing that the pop meg astar turned actress might be planning a trip to the galaxy far, far away. According to scooper My Time To Shine Hello, Gaga has met with Lucasfilm about a mysterious role in an upcoming Star Wars project. That's about all we have to go on for the time being, but Gaga has emerged as one of Hollywood's most in-demand actors since her Academy Award-nominated per formance in A Star is Born, so it wouldn't be at all surprising if she's been lining up some major franchise roles. We recently learned that Disney and Lucasfilm are hoping to get the theatrical side of the Star Wars franchise back on track after the disappointing box off ice performance of The Rise of Skywalker. Though the final part of the sequel trilogy was far from a flop, it did not perform as well as the studio hoped an d was also met with a lot of criticism from fans. There are a number of big and small screen projects in development that Gaga c ould potentially be a part of, including the new trilogy that was recently ann ounced with Simon Kinberg on board as writer and producer. The initial report claimed that this new trilogy would continue the Skywalker Saga with Episodes 10, 11 and 12, but conflicting reports have since emerged, and others with knowledge of the projects believe that Kinberg will "instead b egin a new saga and sits alongside Star Wars percolating projects with James M angold, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Taika Waititi, and Donald Glover." Despite the movie's frosty reception, Gaga received high praise for her turn a s Harley "Lee" Quinn in the recent Joker: Folie ? Deux, and there have been wh ispers that she may also have met with Marvel Studios about potentially joinin g the MCU. If Lady Gaga is in line for a role in a future Star Wars project, are there an y established characters you'd like to see her play? Let us know in the commen ts section down below. From acclaimed writer/director/producer Todd Phillips comes Joker: Folie A Deu x, the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, whic h earned more than $1 billion at the global box office and remains the (second ) highest-grossing R-rated film of all time. The new film stars Joaquin Phoenix once again in his Oscar-winning dual role a s Arthur Fleck/Joker, opposite Oscar winner Lady Gaga (A Star Is Born). The fi lm also stars Oscar nominees Brendan Gleeson (The Banshees of Inisherin) and C atherine Keener (Get Out, Capote), alongside Zazie Beetz, reprising her role f rom Joker. The movie is rated R for “some strong violence, language throughout, some sex uality, and brief full nudity. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LadyGaga/M.1732764335.A.7BF.html ※ 編輯: toebb ( 臺灣), 11/29/2024 04:43:19

11/29 16:21, 3月前 , 1F
11/29 16:21, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dH-AlU_ (LadyGaga)