[討論] Lady Gaga 發文紀念 Tony Bennett

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女神卡卡 Lady Gaga 紀念 東尼班奈特 Tony Bennett https://www.instagram.com/p/CvWSTtoMJNs/ 我會永遠想念我的好朋友。我會想念和他一起唱歌、一起錄音、一起聊天、一起在舞台上的每一場表演。當我與 Tony 在一起時,我感覺自己在時間扭曲中穿梭過活,Tony 和我有這種神奇的力量,我們將自己傳送到另一個時代,一同使音樂現代化,並以對唱雙人組的身份賦予一切新的生命,但這僅僅是行為上。 我們之間的關係非常真實,他除了教會我許多有關音樂和演藝生活的知識,他也教會我如何持續著情緒高昂的精神狀態,並讓頭腦保持清醒。他總會說:「繼續往前邁進!」 他是一個樂觀主義者,他嚮往著高質感的工作與生活。 另外他也擁有感激之情,Tony 總是對任何事物心存感激。他曾在二戰中服役,與馬丁路德金一起上街遊行,並與世界上最偉大的歌手和演奏家們一起演唱爵士樂。 這麼長的一段時間以來, 我因為失去 Tony 而沉浸在悲傷中。 我們之間進行了漫長、深刻的告別。 即便我們之間年齡相差了50年,但年齡的差異並不重要,因為他確實是我真正、真正的朋友。事實上,也因為這樣的差距,給了我們大多數人難以體會的經歷。我們互相因對方的人生而受到啟發。 因阿茲海默氏症而失去 Tony 非常痛苦,但同時也是一件很美好的事情。失憶的時期是身為一個人一生中如此神聖的時刻,顯現了期盼維護尊嚴而產生的脆弱。我只想讓 Tony 記住我是多麼的愛他,以及我是多麼感激他出現在我的生命中。 但是,隨著這種感覺慢慢消逝,我內心深處很清楚,當他的本性發生深刻的變化時,他願意和我一起唱歌,他也正在與我分享他生命中最脆弱的時刻。 我永遠不會忘記我們一起的經歷與回憶,我永遠不會忘記 Tony Bennett。如果我能向世界講些什麼,我會說不要看不起長輩們,不要因為他們開始變老而放棄他們。 當你感到悲傷時,不要退縮,繼續前進,悲傷也是情感重要的一部分。好好照顧他們,我保證你會學到寶貴的一課。還有學會跟寂靜相處,跟我的音樂夥伴們最有意義的交流,其實是那些沒有任何旋律的時刻。 我愛你 Tony,愛你的 Lady 筆 I will miss my friend forever. I will miss singing with him, recording with him, talking with him, being on stage together. With Tony, I got to live my life in a time warp. Tony & I had this magical power. We transported ourselves to another era, modernized the music together, & gave it all new life as a singing duo. But it wasnt an act. Our relationship was very real. Sure he taught me about music, about showbiz life, but he also showed me how to keep my spirits high and my head screwed on straight. "Straight ahead," he'd say. He was an optimist, he believed in quality work AND quality life. Plus, there was the gratitude...Tony was always grateful. He served in WWII, marched with Martin Luther King Jr., and sang jazz with the greatest singers and players in the world. I've been grieving the loss of Tony for a long time. We had a very long and powerful goodbye. Though there were 5 decades between us, he was my friend. My real true friend. Our age difference didn’t matter-- in fact, it gave us each something neither of us had with most people. We were from two different stages in life entirely--inspired. Losing Tony to Alzheimer’s has been painful but it was also really beautiful. An era of memory loss is such a sacred time in a persons life. There's such a feeling of vulnerability and a desire to preserve dignity. All I wanted was for Tony to remember how much I loved him and how grateful I was to have him in my life. But, as that faded slowly I knew deep down he was sharing with me the most vulnerable moment in his life that he could--being willing to sing with me when his nature was changing so deeply. I'll never forget this experience. I'll never forget Tony Bennett. If I could say anything to the world about this I would say don’t discount your elders, don’t leave them behind when things change. Don’t flinch when you feel sad, just keep going straight ahead, sadness is part of it. Take care of your elders and I promise you will learn something special. Maybe even magical. And pay attention to silence—some of my musical partner and I’s most meaningful exchanges were with no melody at all. I love you Tony. Love, Lady ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LadyGaga/M.1691100435.A.3D9.html
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