[Gaga] GA現身說明關於DWUW的MV

看板LadyGaga作者 (皮皮)時間11年前 (2014/01/06 16:28), 編輯推噓26(2605)
留言31則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
It is late because, just like with the Applause video unfortunately, I was given a week to plan and execute it. MV延遲了。之所以會如此,是因為跟〈Applause〉的MV一樣,我只有一個星期, 在規定的時間內去籌畫,以及付諸實行。 It is very devastating for someone like me, I devote every moment of my life to creating fantasies for you. All my my most successful videos were planned over a period of time when I was rested and my creativity was honored. 對我來說,這實在萬分壓迫。我投注生命中的一分一秒,為你們而幻生。 幾乎所有成功的影片,都是在我身心閒暇,孕育創造力時,籌備了一段期間之後 而成的。 Those who have betrayed me gravely mismanaged my time and health and left me on my own to damage control any problems that ensued as a result. 那些使我痛心疾首、背叛我的人,濫置了我的時間與氣力,留下我一個人, 自己去處理控管那些接踵而至的問題。 Millions of dollars are not enough for some people. They want billions. Then they need trillions. I was not enough for some people. They wanted more. 某些人認為一百萬不夠,他們要上億、上兆,予取予求。 對他們而言,我有太多不足。他們想要的更多更多。 I am very grateful to the photographers and designers who have always stood by me to make sure my fans are never aware of the things that happen behind the scenes, but unfortunately after my surgery I was too sick, too tired, and too sad to control the damage on my own. 我很感謝那些攝影師和設計師,總是支持我,而且確保這些幕後的問題,不會被 我的歌迷們所發覺。但是很難過的,經歷手術之後,我已經太勞累、太孱弱了, 身心俱疲,沒有辦法再憑藉著一己之力,獨自掌管這些損害。 My label was not aware that this was going on. 然,我心中的標地,並不為此所遮蔽。 The next few months of ARTPOP will truly be its beginning. Because those who did not care about ARTPOP's success are now gone, and the dreams I have been planning can now come to fruition. 之後的幾個月,ARTPOP即將真正地啟航。畢竟那些不在乎ARTPOP成功與否的人, 已經全都離開了,我計畫之中的夢想,現在,也終於可以逐漸開花結果。 Please forgive me that I did not foresee this coming, I never thought after all the years of hard work that those I called friends and partners would ever care so little at a time I needed them the most. 我沒有及時查覺會有這樣的事情發生;我未曾想到,在這些年的篳路藍縷之後, 那些我認定是朋友和搭檔的人,會在我最需要他們的時分,對我如此地淡漠。請 你們原諒我。 Give me a chance to show you the meaning of seeing art all around you. Open your hearts to me again that I may show you the joy of us coming together through our talents, that we are stronger as a unit than when we are alone. 再給我一次機會,讓我向你們展示「發現生活中的藝術」的意涵。請再次對我 敞開心扉,讓我向你們展示生命的喜悅,當我們以自身的才學團結在一起,我 們是一個集合的個體,比形單影隻的時候,更加地強盛。 Let me be for you the Goddess that I know I truly am, let me show you the visions that have been in my mind for two years. I love you. Forgive me monsters. Forgive me ARTPOP. You are my whole world. 讓我成為你們的女神,我相信我真的是。讓我為了你們所展現,於我心中已經 兩年了的憧憬。我愛你們。 請原諒我,小怪獸們。原諒我,ARTPOP。你們是我的世界。 https://littlemonsters.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tom91002 來自: (01/06 16:35)

01/06 16:44, , 1F
感動 推
01/06 16:44, 1F

01/06 16:45, , 2F
推 希望Ga早日重振
01/06 16:45, 2F

01/06 16:58, , 3F
烏 Gaga加油!
01/06 16:58, 3F

01/06 17:24, , 4F
01/06 17:24, 4F

01/06 17:29, , 5F
01/06 17:29, 5F

01/06 17:33, , 6F
01/06 17:33, 6F

01/06 17:54, , 7F
真好奇內幕 總之Gaga加油
01/06 17:54, 7F

01/06 18:00, , 8F
肯定是跟專輯銷量不好有關的 之前有小道消息說這張讓
01/06 18:00, 8F

01/06 18:00, , 9F
Interscope虧了25M 無論是真是假 這消息一定有影響到
01/06 18:00, 9F

01/06 18:00, , 10F
01/06 18:00, 10F

01/06 18:07, , 11F
gaga加油! 不管多久我都會等
01/06 18:07, 11F

01/06 20:02, , 12F
加油 也期待日後的表現
01/06 20:02, 12F

01/06 21:38, , 13F
01/06 21:38, 13F

01/06 21:40, , 14F
01/06 21:40, 14F

01/06 21:44, , 15F
加油GAGA 我們會期待下去
01/06 21:44, 15F

01/06 22:03, , 16F
01/06 22:03, 16F

01/06 22:40, , 17F
01/06 22:40, 17F

01/06 23:37, , 18F
加油!!!You're the artist of your life.
01/06 23:37, 18F

01/07 00:38, , 19F
01/07 00:38, 19F

01/07 00:44, , 20F
01/07 00:44, 20F

01/07 02:04, , 21F
01/07 02:04, 21F

01/07 03:14, , 22F
很明顯不是投資方的問題阿! 是團隊出了問題 有段提到
01/07 03:14, 22F

01/07 03:16, , 23F
曾經是伙伴的人 如今在我最需要時卻如此冷漠不在乎
01/07 03:16, 23F

01/07 03:17, , 24F
接下來要好好的老老實實的打出來了! 希望ga找CA重拍
01/07 03:17, 24F

01/07 09:49, , 25F
01/07 09:49, 25F

01/08 01:24, , 26F
Gaga加油!!!!!!!!! 看到這樣好難過喔... Q^Q
01/08 01:24, 26F

01/08 10:33, , 27F
01/08 10:33, 27F

01/08 23:58, , 28F
01/08 23:58, 28F

01/09 17:41, , 29F
ground control to Lady Gaga~
01/09 17:41, 29F

01/09 20:14, , 30F
01/09 20:14, 30F

01/09 20:14, , 31F
01/09 20:14, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1Iocav5x (LadyGaga)
文章代碼(AID): #1Iocav5x (LadyGaga)