[社群] 201021 官方SNS更新

看板LOONA作者 (Shelter)時間3年前 (2020/10/21 00:23), 3年前編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 4人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
201021 官方SNS更新 與本月少女一起的#TwitterBlueroomLIVE! 很開心能和Orbit們交流(大笑) 今後也請多多喜愛本月少女以及#Why not?(兩顆心) https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318583492813283334 --------------------------------------- Orbit! 真的很感謝你們對本月少女的愛與應援(兩顆心) 為了回報Orbit不變的愛, 我們 準備了天空上的12顆星星! 這些星星全部結合在一起的話就完成了'ORBIT IN LOONA'的 句子(閃亮) 現在在這裡! 請確認第一個拼寫"O"! Orbits!(閃亮) We're so grateful for all of your love and support to LOONA (兩顆心) To celebrate all that you do for us, we're dedicating 12 stars in the sky to you. When combined, their names spell out "ORBIT IN LOONA." Here's the first star from the collection, Orbit-O! https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318590658500648960 https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318590910909669384 --------------------------------------- Orbit! 從現在開始到今晚11點59分(KST)請與#LOONA_lightstick #LOONA_WhyNot #本月少女_WhyNot[韓文] 一起發送本月少女OFFICIAL LIGHTSTICK的名稱及意義(大笑) 被採用的12位將送上特別的禮物(兩顆心) Orbit! From now until 11:59PM(KST) tonight, please send the name and meaning of #LOONA_lightstick #LOONA_WhyNot #本月少女_WhyNot[韓文](大笑) 12 people who have been selected will receive a special gift(兩顆心) https://i.imgur.com/qEBLGNE.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CGkrlk-BoLI/ https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318598263059066881 https://www.facebook.com/loonatheworld/posts/1212072015836988 --------------------------------------- 本月少女為了Orbit在天空填滿星星(繞圈的星) 希望Orbit成為本月少女的天空中最閃亮的 星星! 請透過下方連結完成loonatheworld的完美軌道吧(擁抱) 也請期待STAR證書(星) LOONA is filling stars in the sky for orbits(繞圈的星) I hope orbits become the brightest stars in the LOONA's sky! Go on the link below and make the perfect orbit for loonatheworld(擁抱) Share your star certification with us(星) https://mapoforbits.loonatheworldus.com/ https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318794480393146369 https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318795415584567298 ----------------------------------------- 今晚10點(KST)本月少女會在躺放LIVE中輕拍輕拍哄Orbit入睡(新月) 大家一起蓋上心愛的被子在V LIVE見吧! Tonight at 10PM(KST) on LieV, #LOONA will pat Orbit to sleep(新月) Let's all meet on V LIVE under the blanket! https://www.vlive.tv/video/218594 https://i.imgur.com/liLzEO6.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmyhOehsCH/ https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318896190344241152 https://www.facebook.com/loonatheworld/posts/1212783555765834 https://weibo.com/7371645760/JqfFrEcDU?from=page_1005057371645760 --------------------------------------- Midnight睡衣Festival本月少女的甜蜜躺放LIVE覺得如何呢? 希望成爲今天辛苦一天的Orbit們的力量及安慰(笑臉) 那麼本月少女現在也要睡了Zzz Good night, Orbit(新月) What did you think of LOONA's sweet LieV at Midnight Pajama Festival? I hope it gives strength and comfort to the Orbit who worked hard today(笑臉) Then LOONA will go to bed now Zzz Good night, Orbit(新月) https://i.imgur.com/aw8ofKZ.jpg
https://channels.vlive.tv/E1F3A7/celeb/1.19379982 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LOONA/M.1603211004.A.821.html

10/21 00:56, 3年前 , 1F
亂花錢...= =
10/21 00:56, 1F

10/21 01:22, 3年前 , 2F
10/21 01:22, 2F

10/21 01:30, 3年前 , 3F
10/21 01:30, 3F

10/21 08:17, 3年前 , 4F
咦? 是真的買星星命名喔,我還以為只是挑開頭一樣的
10/21 08:17, 4F

10/21 08:17, 3年前 , 5F
10/21 08:17, 5F
※ 編輯: yukihira ( 臺灣), 10/21/2020 23:12:03
文章代碼(AID): #1VZmxyWX (LOONA)
文章代碼(AID): #1VZmxyWX (LOONA)