[社群] 201019 官方SNS更新

看板LOONA作者 (Shelter)時間3年前 (2020/10/18 23:15), 3年前編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
201019 官方SNS更新 本月少女檀君兔HeeJin生日快樂(蛋糕) 我們因爲有比無數閃耀的星星還更閃耀的HeeJin而幸福(兩顆心) Happy birthday to LOONA's dangun rabbit(蛋糕) We are so happy because HeeJin you are brighter than the countless stars in the sky(兩顆心) https://i.imgur.com/ohqDyzf.jpg
https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1317842908360237056 https://www.facebook.com/loonatheworld/posts/1210212069356316 https://weibo.com/7371645760/JpOgBwOsF?from=page_1005057371645760 --------------------------------------- LOOПΔ 3rd Mini Album [12:00] Release(閃光) 即將迎來新月的本月少女[12:00] 超越境界聲音合而為一的專輯現在馬上透過音源網站確認吧! LOONA's [12:00] ahead of the start of the new moon. Check out our album that contains a voice that crossed the boundary and became one on every streaming platform right now! https://i.imgur.com/xE5xMNI.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhPC36htOC/ https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318114669756907521 https://www.facebook.com/loonatheworld/posts/1210832149294308 https://weibo.com/7371645760/JpVkV5bf9?from=page_1005057371645760 --------------------------------------- 終於到了能和Orbit一起揮舞手燈的日子! 稍後上午12點(KST)在本月少女LOOΠΔ On Wave [LOOΠΔTHEWORLD: Midnight Festival] 請打開今天的手燈顏色白色(白心) 線上選出活動在@loona staff帳號繼續! 大家一起脫掉運動鞋尖叫起來吧~(閃亮的星)(運動鞋) Finally, the day has come when we can shake the Orbit and the official light stick! Please turn on the white light of today's light stick color at 12AM(KST) #LOONA's LOOΠΔ On Wave [LOOΠΔTHEWORLD : Midnight Festival](白心) Forward Online Attendance Event will continue on the LOONA staff account! Let's all take off our sneakers and scream~(閃亮的星)(運動鞋) https://i.imgur.com/xBXM0PD.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhuBi-BjhL/ https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318182698947522560 https://www.facebook.com/loonatheworld/posts/1211018399275683 https://weibo.com/7371645760/JpX6D4plH?from=page_1005057371645760 -------------------------------------- 撲通撲通本月少女LOOΠΔ On Wave [LOOΠΔTHEWORLD: Midnight Festival]稍後即將 開始(新月) Orbit拿著手燈, 本月少女拿著麥克風出擊準備完畢! 我們一起嗨翻舞台吧 (碰撞) Heart beating #LOONA's LOOΠΔ On Wave [LOOΠΔTHEWORLD : Midnight Festival] will begin shortly(新月) Orbit is ready to go with the light stick and LOONA is ready to go! Let's burn the stage together(碰撞) https://i.imgur.com/0tVPehM.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhzsPVBaJ5/ https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1318195446792159233 https://www.facebook.com/loonatheworld/posts/1211062765937913 https://weibo.com/7371645760/JpXrlxjTV?from=page_1005057371645760 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LOONA/M.1603034122.A.748.html

10/18 23:16, 3年前 , 1F
10/18 23:16, 1F

10/18 23:58, 3年前 , 2F
10/18 23:58, 2F

10/19 01:36, 3年前 , 3F
10/19 01:36, 3F

10/19 08:52, 3年前 , 4F
10/19 08:52, 4F

10/19 13:20, 3年前 , 5F
10/19 13:20, 5F

10/19 13:29, 3年前 , 6F
10/19 13:29, 6F
※ 編輯: yukihira ( 臺灣), 10/19/2020 22:45:45
文章代碼(AID): #1VZ5mAT8 (LOONA)
文章代碼(AID): #1VZ5mAT8 (LOONA)