看板KoreaStar (Korea Star - 韓星)作者 (Teentop)時間9小時前 (2025/03/09 23:58), 8小時前編輯推噓15(1507)
留言22則, 15人參與, 3小時前最新討論串1/1
提到Beast、Infinite、Shinee 和 2PM 大家會想到的第一首歌曲是? https://img-cdn.theqoo.net/zKbBPr.webp https://img-cdn.theqoo.net/UyRUGZ.jpg
我是想到shock,chaser,茱麗葉、hands up~ BEAST Shock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXxGo1MvNls
INFINITE The Chaser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgmSImDoJNg
SHINee茱麗葉Juliette https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwkP3qfwqs8
2PM Hands Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgrB2KBZws4
https://theqoo.net/square/3641305101 留言: - 美麗的夜晚Beautiful Night,The Chaser,夏洛克福爾摩斯Sherlock,heartbeat - Fiction,be mine,Amigo,Heartbeat - Shock,The Chaser,Ring Ding Dong,十分滿分的十分 - 美麗的夜晚Beautiful Night,The Chaser,茱麗葉Juliette,I'll Be Back - 美麗的夜晚Beautiful Night,The Chaser,LUCIFER,My House -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KoreaStar/M.1741535880.A.54A.html

03/10 00:08, 9小時前 , 1F
Fiction,the chaser,sherlock,heartbe
03/10 00:08, 1F

03/10 00:08, 9小時前 , 2F
03/10 00:08, 2F

03/10 00:10, 9小時前 , 3F
fiction,be mine,ring ding dong,hand
03/10 00:10, 3F

03/10 00:10, 9小時前 , 4F
s up
03/10 00:10, 4F

03/10 00:12, 9小時前 , 5F
friction, be mine, ring ding ding, hea
03/10 00:12, 5F

03/10 00:12, 9小時前 , 6F
03/10 00:12, 6F

03/10 00:13, 9小時前 , 7F
Mystery ,The chaser,Amigo,Heartbeat
03/10 00:13, 7F

03/10 00:16, 9小時前 , 8F
Beautiful night/Be mine/Replay/Again
03/10 00:16, 8F

03/10 00:16, 9小時前 , 9F
& again
03/10 00:16, 9F

03/10 00:19, 9小時前 , 10F
Shock/ be mine/ Lucifer/ heartbeat
03/10 00:19, 10F

03/10 00:20, 9小時前 , 11F
12:30 , the chaser , replay , heartbea
03/10 00:20, 11F

03/10 00:20, 9小時前 , 12F
03/10 00:20, 12F

03/10 00:26, 9小時前 , 13F
03/10 00:26, 13F

03/10 00:28, 9小時前 , 14F
good luck/ be mine/ replay/ heartb
03/10 00:28, 14F

03/10 00:28, 9小時前 , 15F
03/10 00:28, 15F
※ 編輯: Teentop ( 臺灣), 03/10/2025 00:39:12

03/10 00:52, 8小時前 , 16F
餒勾 蛤駕! 嗡喔~~~ / 暴雨特報
03/10 00:52, 16F

03/10 00:58, 8小時前 , 17F
shock/the chaser/replay/heartbeat
03/10 00:58, 17F

03/10 02:15, 7小時前 , 18F
Fiction/ be mine/ replay/ hands up
03/10 02:15, 18F

03/10 02:26, 7小時前 , 19F
Beautiful/Man in Love/Hello/Take of
03/10 02:26, 19F

03/10 02:26, 7小時前 , 20F
03/10 02:26, 20F

03/10 05:25, 4小時前 , 21F
shock BeMine 姐姐 heartbeat
03/10 05:25, 21F

03/10 06:15, 3小時前 , 22F
Fiction/追擊者/Lucifer/Hands Up
03/10 06:15, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1dpRg8LA (KoreaStar)
文章代碼(AID): #1dpRg8LA (KoreaStar)