[社群] 190817 新加坡見面會MC IG長文提及丹

看板KangDaniel作者 (Kyle)時間5年前 (2019/08/17 17:17), 5年前編輯推噓11(1100)
留言11則, 11人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
在為姜丹尼爾擔任主持之後, 我完全明白為什麼他的確是Kpop的國民愛豆(註:偶像) 了。我們通常瞭解一個名人,是透過舞台上,螢幕裡,但有那麼幾個瞬間讓我確信,姜丹 絕對是酷蓋本蓋(註:lit and legit,強烈表達酷的流行語)。就第一印象而言,他單 就是另一個級別的。 在記者會上,當翻譯在翻譯的時候,我會用悄悄話提示他,而他總是會回應我,給我一個 眼神,帶著微笑用悄悄話回我「謝謝」。他沒必要這麼做。但他做了。 之後在FM時,有些時候我脫離了台本…教他新加坡式英語、調戲了他的腹肌、為了讓粉絲 贏操縱了比賽讓他輸了、讓他用英語對粉絲們說點什麼、拋出關於Wanna One和他的粉絲 名的問題和在舞台上偷偷給他吃榴槤。(這些)沒有一項是提前說好的。也許這之中有些 我不該問或者不該做的,因為我(仍然)可能會惹來麻煩。但是丹尼爾是真的發自內心,決 心要把最好的體驗和記憶留給他的粉絲。 他也非常真誠…在看完粉絲製作的視頻(註:影片)後,他感觸良多地發表了一段真心實 意的演講——當翻譯在翻譯時,我彎下腰告訴他我打算要給FM結尾了,但他回了我一個手 勢,說他還有更多的話要對粉絲們說。我想每個人都真切地感受到了他的愛,感激和真誠 。 他在台前幕後並無二致…在表演開始之前,他把他的伴舞們聚在一起,一個個地鼓勵他們 ,當他走上階梯即將登台,他的伴舞們向他吼出雷鳴般的「懷挺」。活動結束後,他走進 他們的房間,是為了親自感謝他們的努力和辛勤工作。 當我為一些台本上沒有的行動道歉,尤其是讓他在舞台上嘗試了榴槤(我是真的擔心他可 能會生氣),他完全沒有在意,「沒關係,不用擔心這件事,挺有趣的」,依舊是微笑著 說的。 我們在台下說謝謝和再見時,他說了聲「也很謝謝你」並鞠了一躬。周圍沒有攝像機,也 沒有媒體…他沒必要這麼做,但他做了。 這就是真正的姜丹尼爾…謙遜,親切,真實,誠懇,傳奇。 翻譯: 命中注定我追星 https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4406316157786952 After emceeing for Kang Daniel.. I totally get why he truly is kpop's National Idol. We often know a celeb onstage, on-screen.. but there were a few moments that had me totally convinced that KD is absolutely lit and legit. As far as first impressions go, he was simply next level. At the PC, when the interpreter was translating, I'd whisper prompts to him and he'd always acknowledge, make eye contact and whisper back "thank you" with a smile. He didn't have to. But he did. Then during the FM, there were moments when I went off script.. teaching him singlish, teasing him about his abs, rigging the games so that fans win and he forfeits, asking him to say something to fans in english, slipping in questions for fans about Wanna One and his fandom name, sneaking a durian on stage for him. None of this was planned. Perhaps some of it I shouldn't have asked or done cos I (still) might get into trouble. But Daniel was really spontaneous and game, giving the best experience and memory for his fans. He was also very sincere.. after the fan video when he was feeling sentimental and gave a really heart felt speech - as the interpreter was translating, I leaned over to tell him I'll be wrapping up the fan meet but he signalled back saying he still wanted to say more to the fans. I think everyone truly felt his love, gratitude and sincerity. He is just as real behind the scenes.. before the show started, he gathered up with his dancers encouraging them one by one and as he was stepping up on the platform, his dancers were shouting war cry "hwaiting" to him. After the event, he actually went into their room to personally thank them for their effort and hard work. When I apologised for some of the unscripted moments and especially getting him to try the durian on stage (I was honestly afraid he might've been pissed), he was totally cool about it and said "nah it's fine, don't worry about it, it was fun", again and always with a smile. When it was time for us to say thank you and goodbye in private, he said "thank you too" and bowed. There were no cameras, no media around.. he didn't have to, but he did. This is the real Kang Daniel.. Humble. Gracious. Genuine. Sincere. Legend. MC(mattzachliu)的Instagram原文: https://www.instagram.com/p/B1QJXOenFNA/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KangDaniel/M.1566033470.A.BD2.html

08/17 17:24, 5年前 , 1F
08/17 17:24, 1F

08/17 17:31, 5年前 , 2F
08/17 17:31, 2F

08/17 18:57, 5年前 , 3F
08/17 18:57, 3F

08/17 19:41, 5年前 , 4F
08/17 19:41, 4F

08/17 20:26, 5年前 , 5F
推!真的和丹一起工作過的 都稱讚他的好
08/17 20:26, 5F
※ 編輯: s12327 ( 臺灣), 08/17/2019 20:47:13

08/17 21:21, 5年前 , 6F
08/17 21:21, 6F

08/17 23:12, 5年前 , 7F
08/17 23:12, 7F

08/17 23:19, 5年前 , 8F
08/17 23:19, 8F

08/18 01:36, 5年前 , 9F
08/18 01:36, 9F

08/18 10:23, 5年前 , 10F
08/18 10:23, 10F

08/18 16:44, 5年前 , 11F
推 丹的人品,沒有話說!
08/18 16:44, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1TLyO-lI (KangDaniel)
文章代碼(AID): #1TLyO-lI (KangDaniel)