[RAZORTV]Kit Chan: A song of "One World" (ꔠ…

看板KITCHAN (陳潔儀)作者 (不綁鞋帶的大貓)時間14年前 (2009/11/16 18:28), 編輯推噓2(203)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Kit在APEC演唱的"One World"全曲, 屬於"Our World, One World"表演的第六, 也就是壓軸部份, 這是The Straits Times自營的網站RAZORTV, 自家的新聞影片, 請不用去告官: http://www.razor.tv/site/servlet/segment/main/news/39022.html (右邊有音樂RADIO, 嵌入BLOG, 還有RATE評分--推爆它吧!) Local singer Kit Chan sings a new composition by Dick Lee entitled 'One World'. Local artistes lend their talents for the 30-minute music extravaganza and integrated multimedia show. Directed by local show veteran Dick Lee, the concert is inspired by the spirit that unites the 21 APEC member economies. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/16 23:15, , 1F
11/16 23:15, 1F

11/16 23:19, , 2F
11/16 23:19, 2F
※ 編輯: bigcat9 來自: (11/16 23:25)

11/17 22:17, , 3F
Thanks, 相片有大圖可下載喔!
11/17 22:17, 3F

11/18 06:13, , 4F
11/18 06:13, 4F

11/18 22:40, , 5F
抱枕還是綿羊?XD Kit愈來愈像"國母"了
11/18 22:40, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1B0Iaz5V (KITCHAN)
文章代碼(AID): #1B0Iaz5V (KITCHAN)