[情報] We Never Go Alone歌詞英譯

看板K.will作者 (我是愛迪達。小豆。)時間12年前 (2012/06/11 23:18), 編輯推噓1(100)
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目前還沒有中譯就先看英譯吧XD --- The day I first met you, I just smiled and said hello But I might have wanted you to be Someone I just stayed with for a bit and passed by I couldn’t trust anyone back then But you protected me for such a long time You entered in little by little and opened my heart You stayed with me so I won’t be lonely * We never go alone, like this forever Since you were by me, I could overcome the hard times Just like now, never let go of my hand, we never go alone You probably didn’t know back then either That we would end up together Sometimes, you might have shed tears And said that we’re over since you hated me You are filled up inside my heart I am spread out in your tears Countless stories built up trust in each other You stayed with me when things were hard * Repeat I couldn’t let you go myself Because of you, who believed me and led me, it was possible On days I was tired and wanted to cry Because you were by me, I could smile We never go alone, like this forever Because you are by my side, I could get out of this dark path Just like now, never let go of my hand, we never go alone Tranalate FR:pop!gasa ====== 這首歌也是他親自參與創作的////// -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/12 08:03, , 1F
06/12 08:03, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1FrWmqcQ (K.will)
文章代碼(AID): #1FrWmqcQ (K.will)