[新聞] 200303 IU居家隔離 不參加模範納稅人典禮已刪文

看板IU (李知恩)作者 (\IU♥李知恩♡Uaena/)時間5年前 (2020/03/03 15:44), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2020030314371270944 IU 居家隔離...不參加模範納稅人頒獎典禮 https://i.imgur.com/KiYDmYZ.jpg
歌手IU(本名李知恩)和演員李瑞鎮今年被選爲模範納稅人,成爲了國稅廳宣傳大使,但是沒 有參加4日的"納稅人日"的頒獎活動。 特別是IU最近參加了在新型冠狀肺炎疫情嚴重的國家義大利舉行的米蘭時裝週,所以要居 家隔離,個人只好在家裡看着光榮的頒獎,更加讓人惋惜。 當初國稅廳計劃在納稅者日選定IU和李瑞鎮爲模範納稅者,並委任他們爲宣傳大使並頒發 獎項。 據悉,李知恩是數年來人氣最高的藝人,每年的營業額達數百億韓元,但李知恩卻和 經紀公司一起誠實地納稅,成爲其他的模範。 最近,"新型冠狀肺炎"擴散事態發生後,李某 個人捐款1億韓元,向志願者們捐贈了3000套防護衣等,進行了美麗的善舉。 如果像歌手IU一樣作爲模範納稅者或誠實納稅者受到國稅廳長的表彰,國家就會給予他們 破格的優惠。 首先,IU從獲獎之日起享受3年(地方廳長表彰以下2年)的稅務調查延期,納 稅擔保豁免優惠。 除此之外,如果成爲循環調查對象,可以事先與國稅廳協商定期調查時 期。 得到符合模範期間努力的優待。 像IU這樣有很多海外出入境者的情況會得到更大的實際優惠。 即,在機場出入境過程中享 受審查臺及專用安檢臺的使用優惠。 總而言之,不用排隊,就可以在特別事件中不用等待 就能進出海外。 特別是仁川機場納稅支援中心內運營着模範納稅者專用商務中心(從2019 年10月開始),可以得到辦公,休息空間等。 除此之外,IU還可以免費使用公共停車場,享受金融優惠,醫療費,公寓費用優惠等現有的社 會優惠。 再加上國稅廳上月與鐵道公社等簽訂了合約,如果模範納稅者乘坐korail和SRT, 每週的列車運費最低可優惠10%,最高可優惠30%。 英文練習 IU Self-Isolation... Not Attending Model Taxpayer Award Singer IU (real name Lee Jieun) and actor Lee Seojin were selected as model taxpayers this year and became ambassadors for the promotion of the National Tax Service, but will not be participating in the "Taxpayer Day" awards event on March 4th. In particular, IU recently participated in Milan Fashion Week in Italy, a country with severe coronavirus at the moment. Therefore, she has to watch the award ceremony at home, which is a pity. The National Tax Service planned to select IU and Lee Seojin as model taxpayers on the Taxpayer day, and appointed them as publicity ambassadors and awarded awards. It is reported that Lee Jieun is the most popular artist for several years, with an annual revenue of tens of billions of KRW, but Lee Jieun and her agency have paid taxes honestly and become others' role model. Recently, following the spread of "COVID-19", Lee personally performed a beautiful act by donating 100 million KRW (3,000 protective clothing) to volunteers. If others are commended by NTS like the singer IU, the state will give them exceptional discounts. First of all, IU enjoys 3 years extension of tax investigation (the following 2 years from the local director's commendation) from the date of award, and exemption from tax guarantee. In addition, if you are the subject of a circular survey, you can negotiate with NTS in advance for the regular survey period. She can receive preferential treatment that is consistent with efforts during the exemplary period. In the case of a lot of overseas travels like IU, the actual discount will be even greater. That is, during the entry and exit of the airport, she can enjoy the use of the examination desk and special security checkpoints. In short, without waiting in line, she can enter and exit overseas during special events without waiting. In particular, Incheon Airport Taxation Support Center operates a model taxpayer-only business center (from October 2019), where she can get office and rest space. In addition, IU can also use public parking for free, and enjoy existing social benefits such as financial concessions, medical fees, and apartment cost benefits. In addition, NTS signed a contract with the railway corporation last month. If model taxpayers take korail and SRT, the weekly train freight can be reduced by 10% and the highest by 30%. (翻譯cr.Utopia) https://uaena.cc/ge9wa -- 2019 11.01 Love poem - IU https://i.imgur.com/UaicXZo.jpg
自製 Melon 五分鐘圖表 - https://uaena.vks.tw/melon.php (up.180102) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IU/M.1583221496.A.734.html

03/03 16:21, 5年前 , 1F
這樣也好 最近韓太危險
03/03 16:21, 1F

03/03 16:36, 5年前 , 2F
03/03 16:36, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #1UNWhuSq (IU)