Coming Back to Taiwan

看板GongYoo (孔劉)作者 (Skyline)時間16年前 (2008/07/11 15:43), 編輯推噓13(1305)
留言18則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
deal all~~ First of all, i'd like to thank dearest LYN and all the dear YOOfriends :) right now, i'm at the Incheon Int'l Airport, soon boarding. sorry that i can't see nor type Chinese with the PC i'm using. i sent our gifts to YOO to the army safe and sound. and i also took some traditional taiwanese snacks to YOO's manager in Seoul. we've visited several location spots of "Coffee Prince No. 1 Shop", "Biscuit Teacher and the Star Candy", and "One Fine Day" we've also visited YOO's hometown, and went to see his elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school (and also his university in Suwon) The scenery of Haeundae, where YOO filmed his DVD and contains lots of his memories, is so beautiful that i not only left my heart there but also my purse, along with more than 300,000 won and my id card, health insurance card, Japan FC card, etc....... with all dear friends' wishes, we had a very joyful trip. can't wait to share all the interesting things and new findings about YOO ^_^ see you all back in Taipei at night :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/11 15:54, , 1F
驚 錢包...嗚~版大我們等妳回來^^
07/11 15:54, 1F

07/11 16:27, , 2F
07/11 16:27, 2F

07/11 16:31, , 3F
07/11 16:31, 3F

07/11 18:15, , 4F
07/11 18:15, 4F

07/11 18:56, , 5F
喔麥尬 損失慘重耶 證件應該都有及時掛失了吧
07/11 18:56, 5F

07/11 18:57, , 6F
FC卡還可以補辦嗎?! 唉好多錢啊 >_<
07/11 18:57, 6F

07/11 19:18, , 7F
錢包也覺得那裡美到不想回來 (誤) :p
07/11 19:18, 7F

07/11 20:04, , 8F
版大 >"< 妳的錢包~~囧 還好吧??希望接下來一路平安 ^^
07/11 20:04, 8F

07/11 20:23, , 9F
07/11 20:23, 9F

07/11 21:59, , 10F
板大,回來先睡一覺吧^^ 平安最重要~~~
07/11 21:59, 10F

07/11 22:10, , 11F
科科,我的錢包很神奇地被找到了 :) 掉在釜山海雲台的地鐵站
07/11 22:10, 11F

07/11 22:10, , 12F
07/11 22:10, 12F

07/11 22:11, , 13F
來的電話,說是找到我的錢包~~ 真是超神奇~~是怎麼連絡到易遊
07/11 22:11, 13F

07/11 22:12, , 14F
網的呢 :) 明天打電話問問看~~~ XD by the way 回到家囉:)
07/11 22:12, 14F

07/11 22:13, , 15F
哇~太好了 歡迎板大回來~好想妳阿 >//<科科
07/11 22:13, 15F

07/11 22:35, , 16F
07/11 22:35, 16F

07/12 16:36, , 17F
07/12 16:36, 17F

07/13 00:46, , 18F
07/13 00:46, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #18TmyC-A (GongYoo)
文章代碼(AID): #18TmyC-A (GongYoo)