[侑CY] YOO's "My Music" & "You and I Both"

看板GongYoo (孔劉)作者 (Skyline)時間17年前 (2008/06/03 23:51), 編輯推噓20(20013)
留言33則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
音樂視頻網誌版: http://blog.sina.com.tw/gongyooptt/article.php?pbgid=56558&entryid=580334 大家有發現到嗎? 在CY上可以播放音樂的,除了BGM LIST之外,還有『我的音樂』這一項, 裡面的歌曲可能是CY主人自己找來的,也可能是選取朋友送來的音樂, 總之,要經過CY主人挑選之後,才會出現在LIST當中。 Have u ever noticed that on Korean CY World, in addition to "BGM LIST," there is still another place(?) called "My Music" that can play music online? The manager of the CY can look for songs for himself, or pick from the "gifts" sent to him. All in all, the songs can appear on the list only through the manager's own choice. 今天,我們就來聽聽YOO的"My Music"當中的三首歌曲吧 Today, let's listen to three of YOO's "My Music" ! 另外,發現到了嗎? 今天YOO的CY又有了一些變化喔~~~ Besides, have u spotted that? There is a slight change on YOO's CY today~~~ 1. You And I Both Jason Mraz 2. 我們沒有瘋狂 -- 輝星 3. 只你一個 -- 高佑鎮 視頻轉载自:neptunerune@YouTube Jason Mraz's "You and I Both" Was it you who spoke the words That things would happen but not to me All things are gonna happen naturally Oh, taking your advice and I'm looking on the bright side And balancing the whole thing Oh, but at often times, those words get tangled up in lines And the bright light turns tonight Oh, until the dawn it brings Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me Cause you and I both loved What you and I spoke of And others just dream of others only read of the love Oh, the love that I love Love-ah-love-ah See, I'm all about them words Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words More words than I had ever heard And I feel so alive Cause you and I both loved What you and I spoke of And others just read of And if you could see me now oOh love, love, you and I, you and I Not so little, you and I anymore Mmm hmm And with this silence brings a moral story More importantly evolving Is the glory of a boy cause you and i both loved what you and i spoke of and others just read of and if you could see me now well then im almost finally out of, finally ou-ou-out of Finally de de de de de de de, well I'm almost finally, finally Well, I am free, oh I'm free And it's okay If you had to go away Oh, just remember the telephones Well, they're working in both ways But if I never, ever hear it ring If nothing else I'll think the bells inside have finally found you someone else And that's okay Cause I'll remember everything you sang Cause you and I both loved What you and I spoke of And others just read of And if you could see me now Well, then I'm almost finally out of I'm finally out of Finally de de de de de de de de Well I'm almost finally Finally out of words 很可愛的歌曲吧 MV也拍得很有趣~~~ 有種神奇的復古風~~~ 讓我想起80年代那些好玩的MV..... 什麼? 不知道80年代的MV長什麼樣子??? 那就來個誇張版的來看看吧 視頻轉载自:Xexezinha@YouTube 莫名奇妙的劇情、鮮明的色彩、為愛痴狂的男主角、梳著復古飛飛頭的女主角, 這就是80年代呀!!! (啊,澄清一下,80年代不是我的年代啦~~~ 我是因為國小的時候就跟著哥姐在聽西洋音樂,所以比較早接觸到這些 ^_^ ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/03 23:59, , 1F
偷推Jason Mraz XD 他最近有出新專輯 科科
06/03 23:59, 1F

06/04 00:01, , 2F
YOO的"My Music"裡還有coldplay的"Violet Hill" XD
06/04 00:01, 2F

06/04 00:42, , 3F
06/04 00:42, 3F

06/04 09:10, , 4F
06/04 09:10, 4F

06/04 18:49, , 5F
不知道是不是YOO自己買的歌 因為倫家也喜歡JasonMraz!
06/04 18:49, 5F

06/04 18:50, , 6F
06/04 18:50, 6F

06/04 18:51, , 7F
台灣開唱 但要看8月份某英國團在台票房好不好.....
06/04 18:51, 7F

06/04 20:42, , 8F
科科科科科~~~ 我們部落格那邊今天有來自韓國的訪客喔~~ :)
06/04 20:42, 8F

06/04 20:56, , 9F
好抖喔~以前都沒有嗎?!希望是來自鐵原的IP XD
06/04 20:56, 9F

06/04 20:58, , 10F
從前天凌晨起,偷偷裝了個訪客IP來源統計偵測器 XD
06/04 20:58, 10F

06/04 21:03, , 11F
幹得好!! 抓到了!! 抓到了!! ((抖))~~
06/04 21:03, 11F

06/04 21:06, , 12F
韓國這麼大也不一定是鐵原的哩~~~ 兩個韓國的IP,一個來源是
06/04 21:06, 12F

06/04 21:06, , 13F
06/04 21:06, 13F

06/04 21:19, , 14F
為甚們 偵測不到 這幾個字 讓我很興奮 XDXDXD
06/04 21:19, 14F

06/04 21:52, , 15F
06/04 21:52, 15F

06/04 22:10, , 16F
06/04 22:10, 16F

06/04 22:10, , 17F
緊張和興奮感~~~~ ^^y 會是yoo嗎!?!?!?
06/04 22:10, 17F

06/04 22:11, , 18F
06/04 22:11, 18F

06/04 22:55, , 19F
06/04 22:55, 19F

06/04 23:00, , 20F
06/04 23:00, 20F

06/05 00:52, , 21F
現在有一個首爾來的IP在部落格上~~~ 總覺得挺抖的~~~ :)
06/05 00:52, 21F

06/05 01:28, , 22F
哈哈哈 好刺激XD
06/05 01:28, 22F

06/05 22:06, , 23F
大推Jason Mraz!!
06/05 22:06, 23F

06/05 22:19, , 24F
06/05 22:19, 24F

06/05 22:20, , 25F
06/05 22:20, 25F

06/05 23:48, , 26F
06/05 23:48, 26F

06/05 23:49, , 27F
06/05 23:49, 27F

06/05 23:57, , 28F
又有一位無法偵測出是哪個城市的韓國訪客現在在線上囉~~~ :)
06/05 23:57, 28F

06/06 00:02, , 29F
06/06 00:02, 29F

06/06 00:03, , 30F
06/06 00:03, 30F

06/06 00:11, , 31F
真是充滿無限的遐想 真希望訪客先生留個言~
06/06 00:11, 31F

06/07 00:13, , 32F
看到大家的緊張氣氛,也跟著興奮起來! 哈~侑版的大家還
06/07 00:13, 32F

06/07 00:14, , 33F
是這麼可愛呀~ 好想念大家和侑喔!看到大家都好,真好~
06/07 00:14, 33F
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