[影音] Lighters 出來了!!!

看板Eminem (阿姆)作者 (Mr. Rabbit)時間13年前 (2011/06/03 10:53), 編輯推噓6(605)
留言11則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 BrunoMars 看板 #1Dw4dUzH ] 作者: sakurai0615 (Mr. Rabbit) 看板: BrunoMars 標題: [影音] Lighters完整版出來了!!! 時間: Fri Jun 3 10:41:29 2011 http://youtu.be/Dsb-tmshrUY
This one's for you and me living out our dreams We are right where we should be With my arms out wide, I open my eyes And now all I wanna see is a sky full of lighters A sky full of lighters *** You and I know what it's like to be kicked down Forced to fight But tonight we're alright So hold up your light Let it shine Cause this one's for you and me, living out our dreams We're all right where we should be With my arms out wide I open my eyes And now all I wanna see Is a sky full of lighters A sky full of lighters 還有之前的30秒試聽版本 http://0rz.tw/oiRWy 我覺得這首會橫掃電台!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sakurai0615 來自: (06/03 10:54)

06/03 11:26, , 1F
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三段都很棒 不管是feature的部份 或是兩段rap..
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06/03 21:45, , 5F
話說...space bound的mv何時要出來阿
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06/03 22:12, , 6F
space bound mv 我從二月等到現在 哈哈==
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新單曲的前奏跟阿福"let go" 這首副歌有點像
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我想請問一下 歌詞裡面有一句提到 Now his careers
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Lebron's jersey in 20 years 是什麼意思阿?
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文章代碼(AID): #1Dw4oqau (Eminem)
文章代碼(AID): #1Dw4oqau (Eminem)