[留言] 220930 EXO Twitter更新

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220930 EXO Twitter更新 https://twitter.com/weareoneEXO/status/1575718043572793346 [獨家] '真劍勝負' 都敬秀時隔4年出演朴明洙電台 DOH KYUNGSOO to talk with PARK MYUNG SOO at his first radio appearance in 4 years on 0ct. 5th https://naver.me/5T3ZTxkj #都敬秀 #DOHKYUNGSOO #DO(D.O.) #EXO #weareoneEXO #真劍勝負 #朴明洙的Radio Show https://twitter.com/weareoneEXO/status/1575811301405663232 https://i.imgur.com/UpNHz8Q.png
#XIUMIN #EXO #weareoneEXO #BrandNew #XIUMIN_BrandNew #守護CHUU #CHUU #智雨商店 https://twitter.com/weareoneEXO/status/1575832853908103170 Brand New 橡實Market (Coming soon) 2022.10.04 10PM (KST) https://youtube.com/c/weareoneEXO #XIUMIN #SUHO #CHEN #KAI #世勳 #SEHUN #EXO #weareoneEXO #BrandNew #XIUMIN_BrandNew #橡實Market #BrandNew_橡實Market From.weareoneexo -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EXO/M.1664559698.A.4B8.html
文章代碼(AID): #1ZDofIIu (EXO)
文章代碼(AID): #1ZDofIIu (EXO)