[D文] 何維健 - If you walk into the alley( …

看板Derrick (何維健)作者 (愛你讓我變成吃人)時間16年前 (2009/04/24 00:18), 編輯推噓10(10020)
留言30則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
誰需要中文翻譯? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTfr-hR0qe0
If you walk into the alley, And you see a bunch of cats Don’t be afraid They’re just chasing a bunch of rats And the dog came along And saved the day And the cats said Some day I’ll get you just you wait Just you wait~ I’ll get you just you wait Little do u know There’s alot of creatures in the alley Some are creepy And some are just plain scary Now lets turn our attention To the cockroaches in the bins They were searching for food And they found a can of beans Oops! My mistake It’s really a bottle of Jim Beam And they started drinking And partying, and partying All day~ They were partying all day Then the ants came along And they joined the roaches in this song And you just wonder If they could ever get along They have 6 legs, feelers And they give birth by laying eggs But the ants go for sweets things And the roaches just eats up everything Everything~ The roaches just eats up everything Now look, the alley is more than just dark and icky It’s full of surprises If only you Take a minute To stop and see 如果你 走到巷子裡 看到一群貓 不要害怕 他們只是在追一群老鼠 之後狗來了救了老鼠 貓卻說 總有一天 我會抓到你的,你等著瞧! 你等著瞧~ 我會抓到你的,你等著瞧! 大家可能不知道 巷子裡的動物多的是 有些很噁心 有些卻很恐怖 現在把我們的視線轉移到 垃圾桶裡的蟑螂 它們正在找食物 結果找到一罐豆 哦! 我搞錯了 是一瓶Jim Beam 結果它們開始喝酒 和狂歡~ 和狂歡~ 了一整天~ 它們狂歡了一整天 接著螞蟻來了 和蟑螂一同參與這首歌 這會讓你猜測 它們到底合不合 它們都有六支腳 触角 也同時用卵繁殖 可是螞蟻吃的是甜食 蟑螂卻什麼都吃 什麼都吃~ 蟑螂卻什麼都吃 你看看巷子裡 不單單只是又黑又噁心 裡面可有很多驚喜 只要你花點時間 停下腳步觀察~ Well I’m sure alot of you should find this a fun song! I sure enjoyed making the video mwahahaha! You might see an alley as smelly, dark, eerie whatever. A 2nd look gives a different insight. Same as people. No matter how boring, or bad someone may look, There always his/her interesting and cute side. Cheers! 大家應該覺得這首歌很有趣吧? 巷子可能表面看起來陰森森的 可是在仔細看一眼可能感覺就不一樣囉! 人也一樣. 不管是誰看起來有多不好玩, 他一定會有他有趣,可愛的一面. 就這樣.. ^^ 轉自: http://derrickhoh.net/blog/2009/04/341#comments ---------------------- 好可愛哦...(痴迷了我) 戴方大同眼鏡是這樣唱歌比較有味道嗎?阿宅的味道XD 還蠻舒服的歌啦XDDDD -- 我的老天爺啊......真是夠了..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/24 00:25, , 1F
我還挺喜歡方大同的眼鏡耶... 才在想去配的說-口-
04/24 00:25, 1F
※ 編輯: Ruiye 來自: (04/24 00:44)

04/24 03:41, , 2F
抒情歌很好聽!! D補上中文翻譯了 XD
04/24 03:41, 2F

04/24 03:56, , 3F
他po這個影片...讓我更覺得他好像鄰家男孩 就不像藝人
04/24 03:56, 3F

04/24 03:57, , 4F
這樣子是好還是壞呢? (just wait and see, i think)
04/24 03:57, 4F

04/24 06:55, , 5F
這個詞的內容如果認真去翻譯還真噁心 XD
04/24 06:55, 5F
※ 編輯: Ruiye 來自: (04/24 09:43)

04/24 11:12, , 6F
04/24 11:12, 6F

04/24 11:21, , 7F
04/24 11:21, 7F

04/24 11:22, , 8F
躺在床上心裡的OS是:這什麼鬼歌詞? 這個人受到什麼刺激了?
04/24 11:22, 8F

04/24 12:06, , 9F
04/24 12:06, 9F

04/24 12:07, , 10F
04/24 12:07, 10F

04/24 15:08, , 11F
04/24 15:08, 11F

04/24 21:47, , 12F
現在的話題是蟑螂是嗎? 可惡的噁心死蟑螂!!!
04/24 21:47, 12F

04/24 21:48, , 13F
04/24 21:48, 13F

04/24 21:48, , 14F
04/24 21:48, 14F

04/24 21:49, , 15F
(回正題) 我覺得這首歌還不錯阿~
04/24 21:49, 15F

04/24 21:49, , 16F
04/24 21:49, 16F

04/24 21:49, , 17F
看到這句超想笑的啦! 完全贊同耶! 宅味真的很重!
04/24 21:49, 17F

04/24 21:51, , 18F
04/24 21:51, 18F

04/24 22:55, , 19F
04/24 22:55, 19F

04/24 22:56, , 20F
04/24 22:56, 20F

04/24 22:56, , 21F
(正題) 我傳給我朋友看..他只默默告訴我,你確定他是藝人嗎?
04/24 22:56, 21F

04/24 23:28, , 22F
04/24 23:28, 22F

04/24 23:29, , 23F
04/24 23:29, 23F

04/24 23:30, , 24F
04/24 23:30, 24F

04/24 23:32, , 25F
話說這篇文章他前後改了五次...還真認真= =
04/24 23:32, 25F

04/24 23:59, , 26F
04/24 23:59, 26F

04/25 00:00, , 27F
一般阿宅...唔..我跟阿宅不熟... 一般阿宅長啥樣?
04/25 00:00, 27F

04/25 00:07, , 28F
04/25 00:07, 28F

04/25 00:34, , 29F
04/25 00:34, 29F

04/25 00:34, , 30F
04/25 00:34, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #19y9Jkjn (Derrick)
文章代碼(AID): #19y9Jkjn (Derrick)