Fw: [消息] from FB

看板ComeOnBayBay作者 ( 剝)時間12年前 (2011/12/12 21:45), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 GreenEyes 看板 #1EvNcJV0 ] 作者: NANX (烏秋) 站內: GreenEyes 標題: [消息] from FB 時間: Mon Dec 12 11:48:31 2011 (FB粉絲專頁累積了幾則關於新作品和演出的消息,轉貼過來) 12/03 Hello people, we'll be hosting a new record releasing party at the Wall Taipei next year on January 6th, 2012. Our first live house appearance in 10 months. More details to be announced. Please spread out the news ;} 12/09 We're happy to announce that 來吧!焙焙! Come on! BayBay! would be gracefully opening the show at the Wall on Jan 6th. Our heartfelt thanks! 12/11 Green!Eyes 八歲了. Green!Eyes just passed our 8th anniversary this weekend. We received this special present from some friends (some known some unknown but you know who you are!) we met on the road during the sleeping bag tour last year: 18 beautifully printed postcards of us performing in different cities all over Taiwan. bringing up whole lots memories. Thank you guys so much! (QUESTION: how do you know green!eyes' birthday??) Over the past 8 years, we've co-written 200+ songs, played more than 280 shows, collaborated with more than 6 drummers (Oops:{) and always are well supported by people around us (despite our constant absences and sometimes arrogance.) I wish we would stay together for another few years, and hopefully make better music. Thank you for bringing us here: An 8-year bittersweet but truly unforgettable memories/experiences. Lastly, I did receive postcards/notes/presents from you guys from time to time. Sorry I didn't check the mailbox at the studio very often (forgot the key for a long while,) but every time when I opened it up, your kind words always made my world a lot more adorable. My apology that I never reply to any of you (because too embarrassed), but these did mean a lot, way more than I could ever imagine they would. Such a blessing. Thanks. Happy Winter. xxx -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/12 21:45, , 1F
12/12 21:45, 1F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: bobofawn (, 時間: 12/12/2011 21:45:35
文章代碼(AID): #1EvWM1v1 (ComeOnBayBay)
文章代碼(AID): #1EvWM1v1 (ComeOnBayBay)