[情報] 【Always On My Mind】Official Lyric Vi

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【Always On My Mind】Official Lyric Video https://youtu.be/JklFVz2sZ_0
親愛的CoCo,You were always on my mind。 今年是CoCo李玟出道30周年,雖然她已在2023年離開我們,對她的思念及追想從未間斷, 粉絲也衷心期盼可以聽見更多CoCo未曾釋出的作品。就在今年,CoCo生前已錄製完畢,但 尚未出版的經典翻唱歌曲錄音,將陸續面世並出版專輯。這些經典歌曲是由CoCo自己擔任 製作人,從2016年開始陸續製作,CoCo挑選自己與家人喜愛的歌、抒發心情的歌,以及對 當代有深刻影響的經典歌曲,以自己的想法重新詮釋。在6月15日CoCo李玟出道30周年紀 念日當天,由Carol李秋林 & Nancy李思林 & CoCo李玟三姐妹合唱的「珍惜今天(When Wi ll I See You Again)」已搶先釋出,這是繼1997年「我的翅膀」之後,李家三位姐妹再 度充滿互相支持陪伴的真摯正能量合唱。 全新發行的CoCo獨唱單曲「Always On My Mind」是CoCo媽媽的偶像貓王唱紅的經典歌曲 ,事母至孝的CoCo曾經在母親節發文說「媽媽就是我的世界(My mom is the world to me )」,在選曲時也選了媽媽的最愛來表達心聲。這首1972年發行的歌曲原是貓王與前妻仳 離之後推出,歌詞中表達「失去後才知道珍惜」的深情與遺憾:也許我沒有時刻陪伴在你 身旁,或是即時表達我的愛,但是你永遠在我心上。CoCo李玟演唱的版本將曲速放慢,以 她自然到有如融入呼吸的R&B轉音,聲線從輕柔吟唱到高亢訴情,隨情緒蕩漾流轉,傾訴 她心中的滿滿的愛與牽掛之情,精彩卻不流於炫技,深刻展現她Diva天后的演唱功力,與 她想要傳達的心聲。冥冥之中,這首歌也彷彿是CoCo李玟與歌迷之間的交流,熱情溫暖的 CoCo,一直將歌迷記掛在心上,而她留下的這首歌,也唱出了所有歌迷們對CoCo的愛與思 念,將會一直在我們的心上。 《Always On My Mind: CoCo’s 30th Anniversary Album》 #你在我心上 30周年紀念專輯 數位收聽 https://coco.lnk.to/AO... 實體彩膠 https://coco.lnk.to/AO... - Always On My Mind 演唱: CoCo Lee李玟 詞曲: John Jr. Christopher, Mark James, Wayne Thompson OP: SCREEN GEMS-EMI MUSIC INC. / Lovolar Music admin by Concord Music SP: EMI MUSIC PUBLISHING (S.E.ASIA) LTD.,TAIWAN BRANCH / peermusic (Taiwan) Lt d (P) 2024 CL Production Ltd under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment Taiwan Ltd. Maybe I didn't love you Quite as often as I could have Maybe I didn't treat you Quite as good as I should have If I made you feel, second best Girl, I'm sorry I was blind You were always on my mind You were always on my mind Maybe I didn't hold you All those lonely, lonely times I guess I never told you I'm so happy that you're mine Little things I should have said and done I just never took the time You were always on my mind You were always on my mind Tell me Tell me that your sweet love hasn't died And give me Give me one more chance to keep you satisfied I'll keep you satisfied Little things I should have said and done I just never took the time But you were always on my mind You were always on my mind You were always on my mind You were always on my mind -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CoCo/M.1727699615.A.56A.html

10/08 22:00, 4月前 , 1F
10/08 22:00, 1F
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