[新聞] 滾石雜誌 200 Greatest Singers

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141 Christina Aguilera https://i.imgur.com/bPqfOcE.png
Boasting the biggest voice of the Y2K teen-idol crop, Christina Aguilera was as much a soul powerhouse as she was a TRL staple early in her career, with songs like “What a Girl Wants” and her posse-cut cover of “Lady Marmalade” making room for her jazz-inspired vocal runs. But when she recorded “Beautiful,” the self-esteem-boosting ballad from her 2002 album, Stripped, she leveled up; the take used on the final version was intended to be just a demo, but the raw emotional power she unleashed made it final-cut worthy. Since then, Aguilera has flaunted the versatility of her voice, with songs like the delicate ballad “Say Something” showing how her restrained moments can be just as powerful as the songs she belts. —M.J. Google 翻譯 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎萊拉 (Christina Aguilera) 擁有 Y2K 青少年偶像作物中最大的聲音, 在她職業生涯的早期,她既是 TRL 的主要人物,又是靈魂的強大力量, 歌曲包括“What a Girl Wants”和她的集體剪輯翻唱的“Lady Marmalade” 為她受爵士樂啟發的聲樂騰出空間。 但是, 當她錄製 2002 年專輯 Stripped 中的一首提升自尊的民謠“Beautiful”時, 她的水平得到了提升; 用於最終版本的鏡頭只是一個演示,但她釋放的原始情感力量使其值得最終剪輯。 從那時起,阿奎萊拉就開始炫耀自己聲音的多才多藝, 通過細膩的民謠“Say Something”等歌曲 展示了她克制的時刻如何與她所唱的歌曲一樣強大。 ——M.J. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christina/M.1672740161.A.A92.html

01/03 18:29, 1年前 , 1F
01/03 18:29, 1F

01/06 23:13, 1年前 , 2F
01/06 23:13, 2F
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