[新聞] 差一點就唱了 If I Ain't Got You

看板Christina作者 (丹丹丹尼爾)時間3年前 (2020/09/19 10:38), 3年前編輯推噓7(703)
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節錄 Stereogum:https://bit.ly/33EwmHq -- STEREOGUM: This is one of my favorite songs that you’ve ever collaborated on. KEYS: Ooh look at you. You really know stuff! [Laughs] STEREOGUM: I know during that time she was going through just a musical rebirth and wanted to get some of the more soulful voices in the game at that time. KEYS: There’s a really funny, amazing story around this song. I think we were on the same label at the time. She reached out and was like, “Would you write something for me?” And then it came through so many emails. What a voice! I know I could write something fire for her. So time passed and I hadn ’t written the song yet. And [the label] was like, “Do you have anything for Christina?” I remember I had just recently written “If I Ain’t Got You. ” STEREOGUM: Oh wow! KEYS: I told my A&R at the time, “Let’s play her ‘If I Ain’t Got You.’” STEREOGUM: What? My mind is blown right now. KEYS: He said, “Are you fucking crazy? We’re not giving her that song. Are you out your mind?” [Laughs] I was like, “Why not? I’ll write a hundred more of those, it’s fine. I think she should hear it. I don’t really think it’s a big deal.” But I thought, “Fine, I’ll go write another song.” So I went off and wrote “Impossible.” I went to cut it with her and I love how she sounded on it. It was such a cool vibe for us to be able to work together during those times. But I will never forget that I would have given away “If I Ain’t Got You.” STEREOGUM: That would have changed the course of both of your careers. That is crazy. KEYS: Isn’t that crazy? So that’s a good story. STEREOGUM: I’m learning so much. The intro is so cute, when Christina goes: “Play something for me, Alicia!” KEYS: I cut the vocals with her because I produced everything. So it’s really important to be in the same space to just get all the energy. That was great. She sounded so good and she’s very special too. -- 簡單來說就是 兩人當時同唱片公司>克問阿麗能不能幫他寫歌>來來往往阿麗就忘記了>公司來問歌> 阿麗剛好寫好 If I Ain't Got You>想說就給克好了>阿麗的經紀:哩咧公三小> 阿麗替克量身打造 Impossinble>登愣~夭壽讚 覺得還好有被阻止XD Alicia 自己留下了一首大熱門,Christina 得到一首超棒的歌 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christina/M.1600483115.A.7D4.html ※ 編輯: Daniel2468 ( 臺灣), 09/19/2020 10:39:02

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文章代碼(AID): #1VPMyhVK (Christina)