
看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間19年前 (2005/02/06 11:04), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Why Cate's going back to virginity by BAZ BAMIGBOYE, Daily Mail 08:46am 4th February 2005 Cate Blanchett has agreed to climb upon the English throne for another look at the Virgin Queen. The actress, who received a best actress Oscar nomination for her portrayal of the Tudor monarch in Elizabeth, will play her again in The Golden Age, which will begin shooting later this year. Original director Shekhar Kapur will return to shoot the follow-on. His first film, released in 1998, concluded very soon after Elizabeth came to the throne. The Golden Age would show us what kind of monarch the young queen became; how she sent her confidants on global explorations, conquered the Spanish Armada and lived life with 'the heart of a man'. Elizabeth worked so well because it wasn't shot as the usual starchy period piece. Rather, it had pace, a sense of intrigue - and the pomp and circumstance of royal life was beautifully recreated. Ms Blanchett has left much of this year free to devote to working on The Golden Age. Next year she'll lead the Sydney Theatre Company's production of Hedda Gabler to New York's Brooklyn Academy of Music, working from an adaptation by her husband, Andrew Upton. Meanwhile, the actress was travelling to Los Angeles for tomorrow night's Screen Actors Guild Awards, in which she's competing in the supporting actress category for The Aviator. Cate's in the running against our own Sophie Okonedo, who appears in Hotel Rwanda which, by the way, has been snapped up by Entertainment Distributors and opens here on February 25. Kate Winslet and Imelda Staunton are up for best actress SAG awards. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/li...mp;in_a_source= 伊莉莎白續集傳言再度出現 預計在今年下半年開拍 凱特今年司給久空空,看來只會拍黃金年代一部電影 二度重演處女女王 相當冒險... -- 年頭必是大紅人 年尾提名她沒份~ 凱特‧布蘭琪 今年雙片氣勢高 凱特女王將淚噴~ CATE BLANCHETT 【鍥而不捨】【鬼影迷蹤】【神鬼玩家】【海海人生】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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