
看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/11/16 01:53), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Here's the deal, much of it is wonderful. If you care about moviemaking, the birth of commercial aviation, or how obsessive-compulsive disorder can destroy a person's life, you gotta see this film.. Scorsese's mastery of the medium, and sheer love of filmmaking is evident in every frame. I'm not sure DiCaprio was the best choice for Howard Hughes (I think Johnny Depp would have been a more exciting Hughes). DiCap is a little too boyish in the role, altho by the end of the film when the character is older he certainly registers strongly. His handling of Hughes' well publicized OCD is very powerful and disturbing. There are wonderfully staged sequences involving the production and release of the movie Hell's Angels, and a breathtaking sequence of Hughes testing an aircraft and having troubles over a Beverly Hills neighborhood (I'll leave it at that) The Hughes-Hepburn romance is handled sensitively with high spirits and tenderness (see my comment about Blanchett's performance, she's wonderful but should have held out for a better facial makeup job). by salfan2 on IMDB 這位仁兄在LA看了試映,立刻到IMDB寫了簡單評論 評價似乎還不錯,他對演員的表現都很滿意 關於凱特部分: Cate's performance is amazingly brave, considering how well the other Kate in known. Her accent, behavior, energy and point of view are spot on as far as I'm concerned. She transcends good mimicry, altho it's a damned good imitation as well. The problem: she and Scorsese should have insisted on a more extensive artful makeup job. As it is, she looks in the film like Anne Heche's older sister. I don't know if a better wig, slight prosthetic work, or more covering would be needed. But since Hepburn's work is so well known, they should have spent more time on Blanchett's face.It is a terrific perfomance nonetheless. 凱特的演技似乎頗得他的好評(就說是「模仿」也是超神的技巧) 但是電影沒利用化妝術把她畫得更像凱薩琳赫本(凱特跟KH長得一點也不像) 他認為既然KH是個這麼有名的人物 ,應該多用點心在化妝上 但是馬丁史科西斯好像沒這麼做 所以凱特在電影裡面很像安海契的姊姊 XD 提到凱特戲份的問題 他說凱特是有「足夠」的登場時間 但是應該還算是配角 電影公司會怎麼推就不知道了 -- 靜觀其變 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #11cEqUlD (Cate)