
看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/09/26 22:41), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Risky business When stars play stars, they either shine or crash and burn By GRAHAM FULLER The fall movie season is offering a number of well-liked stars the opportunity to achieve a little reflected glory - or fall flat on their faces. How? By playing much bigger stars from the past. Glitziest of all is "The Aviator" (Dec.17), Martin Scorsese's biopic of tycoon Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio), starring Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn, Kate Beckinsale as Ava Gardner, No Doubt's Gwen Stefani as Jean Harlow and Jude Law as Errol Flynn. Some moviegoers might regret that Lindsay Lohan wasn't cast as "Outlaw" star Jane Russell, for whom Hughes famously designed a cantilever bra. Maybe we don't. Stars flirt with hubris when they play stars, especially the giants. They not only have a remote shot at capturing the originals' charisma but can cancel out their own: Mira Sorvino and Ashley Judd may want to forget their turns as Marilyn Monroe in TV's "Norma Jean & Marilyn" (paging Elisha Cuthbert!) and Jennifer Love Hewitt only made the subject of "The Audrey Hepburn Story" seem more beguiling in comparison. As for the new vehicles, Jamie Foxx's note-perfect, warts-and-all portrayal of Ray Charles makes him a shoo-in for an Oscar nomination, and Kevin Spacey apparently sings superbly (but hoofs awkwardly) as Darin. "The Aviator's" casting is conventional, but Blanchett will surely muster Kate Hepburn's spiky hauteur. (原文經過刪減) 明星演明星真的很危險 如果抓不到前輩的一點特質,會被罵到臭頭 但是如果能夠發揮特色,能夠承襲前輩氣質的美名,也真是能讓一個後輩影星發光發熱 「神鬼玩家」的選角雖然老套 但是凱特阿姐的演出一定能夠表現出凱薩琳赫本自大傲慢! 拭目以待囉 -- 凱特,妳要加油...大家期待好高的呀 -- 年頭必是大紅人 年尾提名她沒份~ 凱特‧布蘭琪 今年雙片氣勢高 凱特女王將淚噴~ CATE BLANCHETT 【鍥而不捨】【鬼影迷蹤】【神鬼玩家】【海海人生】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 09/28, , 1F
凱特加油!!!! 09/28, 1F
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