Cate's dark stage role

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Cate's dark stage role By Jane Albert July 27, 2004 FROM the moment Cate Blanchett steps foot on the stage there is no mistaking you are watching something extraordinary. She is magnetic, both in character as the vengeful, cowardly Hedda Gabler, and in her playful rehearsal banter ("You don't mind if I go to sleep, do you?" she jokes, as she reclines on the settee). The 35-year-old mother of two is in Sydney to play the title role in Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler. And she is every bit the leading lady of the most sought-after theatre ticket in the country. It sold out months ago. The level of care afforded Blanchett is in keeping with international stars, with media access tightly restricted - not that the actor needs the exposure. Only a handful of Australian actors have performed the role, testimony to the fact that it is one of the most complex and demanding written. The list includes Judy Davis, Jennifer Flowers, Jennifer Hagan and Robyn Nevin, who is directing this production for the Sydney Theatre Company. Written in 1890, the dark play, which opens in Sydney tonight, is a psychological study of a tragic, manipulative woman who feels trapped by both marriage and society, and will do whatever it takes to get out. "For me, Cate Blanchett is Hedda Gabler," Nevin said. "She's an extraordinarily intuitive, imaginative and inventive actress so she has many Hedda qualities. She also has a great ability to be very playful in the rehearsal room." Asked if it had been intimidating for any of the cast to work alongside the Oscar-nominated actress, Nevin paused before replying pointedly: "When you go into the rehearsal room with Ibsen, your main challenge is Ibsen." Similarly for Hugo Weaving, who plays opposite Blanchett as Judge Bracks, it seems the Blanchett hype has remained outside the production. "It hasn't felt particularly hyped from our end; Cate's not really like that, it's just like doing another show with really good actors." The pair has worked together before on Company B Belvoir's The Blind Giant is Dancing and on screen in The Lord of the Rings. "She's no different on stage - she's an actor who's serious about her work and approaches it with a very inquiring mind." Both Weaving and Blanchett begin work on the new Australian film thriller, Little Fish, less than 24 hours after the show closes on September 26. Blanchett is also committed to filming The Fountain with Hugh Jackman and Ellen Burstyn. When it comes to the public Blanchett has been very generous with her time. She has appeared at three public events, including a packed subscriber briefing last week where she answered questions, joked and chatted freely with the audience.,4459,10259423%5E10431%5E% 5Enbv,00.html 連結有一張劇照 凱特演完舞台劇就立刻要去拍電影「Little Fish」了 「The Fountain」也是確定的規劃了 -- 年頭必是大紅人 年尾提名她沒份~ 凱特‧布蘭琪 今年雙片氣勢高 凱特女王將淚噴~ CATE BLANCHETT 【鍥而不捨】【鬼影迷蹤】【神鬼玩家】【海海人生】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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