凱特姐暑期舞台劇「Hedda Gabler」

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根據精靈王雨果維明的新聞 凱特的舞台劇Hedda Gabler已經排演幾週了 上演日期是7/27~9/26 演完舞台劇 凱特將再與雨果維明攜手演出澳洲電影「Little Fish」 Weaving has spent the past few weeks rehearsing for the sell-out nine-week s eason of Hedda Gabler. The play stars Weaving alongside Cate Blanchett, Justine Clark, Aden Young, Anthony Weigh, Julie Hamilton and Annie Byron. Directed by Robyn Nevin, it was adapted from Henrik Ibsen's original for the Sydney Theatre Company by Blanchett's husband Andrew Upton. "All the characters are playing such control games with each other so just to work out what they are doing and why is pretty complicated," Weaving said of the production. In it, Hedda Gabler (Blanchett) has returned from a honeymoon with Jorgen Tesman (Weigh), contemplating life in a house she had never wanted. Feeling cornered, Gabler orchestrates the fates of those close to her - confidante Judge Brack (Weaving), ex-classmate Thea Elvsted (Clarke) and soulmate Eilert Lovborg (Young). However, her interference rebounds on her with shattering results. "Andrew's adaptation is absolutely fantastic but it is obviously just much more complicated than I had originally thought and it is incredibly challenging, " Weaving said. Hedda Gabler opens at the Sydney Theatre Company on Tuesday July 27, running through until September 26. -- 年頭必是大紅人 年尾提名她沒份~ 凱特‧布蘭琪 今年雙片氣勢高 凱特女王將淚噴~ CATE BLANCHETT 【鍥而不捨】【鬼影迷蹤】【神鬼玩家】【海海人生】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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