[情報] Cate to reign on

看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/06/02 23:17), 編輯推噓3(301)
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Cate to reign on June 02, 2004 IT was the film that made Hollywood pay attention to Cate Blanchett and now, six years later, director Shekhar Kapur is working on a sequel to his hit Elizabeth. Blanchett is expected to take the throne again and star in the epic - based on Queen Elizabeth I - which has the working title of Golden Age. "It is about the battle between her life as a monarch and her personal life," Kapur said from Singapore. "It ends in the destruction of the Spanish Armada on the larger level." The Indian-born Kapur said the script, which Michael Hirst is working on, would be ready in six months. "And then it depends on Cate's schedule and my schedule as to when we start shooting." Kapur has a habit of casting Australian actors as leads in his films. Following Elizabeth, which also starred Geoffrey Rush, he directed Four Feathers, with Heath Ledger in the lead. The Daily Telegraph 伊莉莎白續篇!!?? 真把我搞混了 Kapur不是要拍Fearless Nadia嗎? 怎麼現在又是Elizabeth2? 我倒不希望拍part2 女王一向不喜歡被定型... -- http://psiloveyou.idv.lv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 06/02, , 1F
好怪 不過我猜女王有太多故事可以拍了 06/02, 1F 06/02, , 2F
同一角色不同角度!也不錯~ 06/02, 2F 06/02, , 3F
對續篇還是有點緊張,畢竟第一集拍得很好 06/02, 3F 06/02, , 4F
而且導演上一作品「關鍵時刻」...慘呀! 06/02, 4F
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