[情報] 【神鬼玩家】美國本地由MIRAMAX發行!

看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/04/24 22:52), 編輯推噓3(300)
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美國地區會改由米拉麥克斯發行 Miramax to Distribute Scorsese's The Aviator Source: Miramax Films Thursday, April 22, 2004 Miramax Films and Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that Miramax will handle U.S. theatrical distribution of Initial Entertainment Group's The Aviator, Martin Scorsese's epic Howard Hughes biopic. The release date is currently set for December 17, 2004. The announcement was made by Dan Fellman, Warner Bros. Pictures president of domestic distribution, and Rick Sands, Miramax chief operating officer. Warner Bros. Pictures and Miramax will retain their financial partnership agreement on the film, which is A Forward Pass Inc./ Initial Entertainment Group production. Warner Bros. Pictures will retain theatrical distribution in Canada and will distribute the film on home video/DVD, with Miramax controlling all U.S. television rights. In addition to the U.S., Miramax will distribute the film in the U.K., France, Italy and Germany, while Initial Entertainment Group will distribute The Aviator in the remaining territories around the globe. The Aviator is directed by Martin Scorsese and written by John Logan; the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and is produced by Michael Mann, Sandy Climan, Graham King, and Charles Evans Jr. Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, John C. Reilly, Alec Baldwin and Jude Law also star. The Aviator tells the story of aviation pioneer Howard Hughes (DiCaprio), the eccentric billionaire industrialist and Hollywood film mogul, famous for romancing some of the world's most beautiful women. The drama recounts the years of his life from the late 1920s though the 1940s, an epoch when Hughes was directing and producing Hollywood movies and test flying innovative aircraft he designed and created. 希望他們能記取去年「冷山」的教訓 好好推這部片! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

推 04/24, , 1F
推 04/24, 1F

推 04/24, , 2F
推 04/24, 2F

推 04/27, , 3F
MIRAMAX發行表示三區DVD不妙= =
推 04/27, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #10YdyKQx (Cate)
文章代碼(AID): #10YdyKQx (Cate)