[新聞]Soap star set on Cate

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Soap star set on Cate March 24, 2004 SOAP star turned author Judy Nunn has her heart set on Cate Blanchett to play the lead role in a movie version of her latest novel, Pacific. Seven of her books have already been published and with the first two - The Glitter Game and Centre Stage - sold to a movie producer, Nunn said she would dearly love one of her books to be made into a film. She said Pacific, set in Vanuatu, had the most obvious global appeal of all her books, suggesting Blanchett could play a lead role. "I just think she is stunning," Nunn said. Pacific tells the story of Hollywood actress, Samantha, in Vanuatu to film a big budget US war epic, and caught up in a web of mystique that envelops her life. Nunn, who spent 13 years playing Ailsa Stewart on soap Home and Away, said Blanchett could play either of the lead characters, Samantha or Jane. "The trouble is they are very big books. It would be a big budget and I think that would scare Aussie producers." The Daily Telegraph -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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