[新聞]Oprah Named One of Most Fashionable W …

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Oprah Named One of Most Fashionable Women Wed Mar 10, 8:15 AM ET NEW YORK - Oprah Winfrey (news) — talk show host, actress and magazine editor — has a new title to add to her resume: one of the world's most fashionable women. Winfrey appears for the first time on Vanity Fair's 2004 International Best-Dressed List, which is being released Wednesday. The host of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" says Jackie Onassis and Coco Chanel are her fashion icons, and picks Gianfranco Ferre — who created the silvery gown she wore to the Oscars (news - web sites) — as her favorite designer. Also among the 10 women on the list are actress Cate Blanchett, "Lost in Translation" writer-director Sofia Coppola (news), model Kate Moss and Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer, Estee Lauder's vice president for global advertising. The annual list — which originated in the '20s and gained prominence under the guidance of fashion maven Eleanor Lambert, who died in October — will now appear in Vanity Fair magazine, starting with its April issue. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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