[報導]Time for Students No.31/ Top People

看板Cate作者 (一顆心屬於我自己)時間20年前 (2004/03/10 03:53), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Cate Blanchett has made a name for herself playing royalty. Her performance in the title role in Elizabeth (only her fourth movie) made her a star, and she is now enchanting audiences as the elf queen Galadriel in The Fellowship of the Ring. 凱特布蘭琪扮演皇族,已經闖出名號. 他擔任<伊莉莎白>片名角色的演出 (還是她拍的第四部電影而已)而成為大明星,如今她在<魔戒首部曲>中扮 演精靈女王凱蘭崔爾,向觀眾大施魔力. But the 33-year-old actress from Down Under can be other figures than queens. She`s also played American housewives, and now is starring as a Scottish spy. Blanchett is known for versatile accents. She speaks in a perfect American accent in Pushing Tin and the current Bandits. 然而,這未來自澳洲,芳齡三十三的女演員也可以演女王以外的人物. 她曾扮演美國家庭主婦,現在則擔綱演出蘇格蘭間諜. 布蘭琪以能說 各種口音聞名. 在<空中塞車>與現正上映的<終極土匪>中,她就用完 美的美國口音說話. She has also taken some less glamorous roles. Her hair is still growing back from having shaved it all off for her recent movie, Heaven. Blanchett doesn`t aim to only appear in "big" movies. She has only one standard for choosing roles: "I just try to pick what will challenge me now, in the moment." she says. 她也曾接演比較不起眼的角色. 在他的近作<天堂>中,布蘭琪剃了個光頭, 現在還在等頭髮長回來. 布蘭琪並不是只想演"大片". 她挑角色只有一個 原則:"我只挑選當下對我有所挑戰的角色" Unlike many stars, Blanchett doesn`t like talking about acting. "I hate seeing acting as a business...It actually kills the intangible, inexplicable reasons why you do something." she says. Blanchett and her husband have just had their first child, but after a short break, she`s going right back to work. It`s not always easy being the queen. 布蘭琪不像許多明星那樣喜歡談表演,她說:"我最討厭把表演當作公事...... 這樣會扼殺你想做一件事情的那種難以捉摸,無法言傳的理由."布蘭琪和她的 丈夫剛生完頭胎,但是稍事休息之後他馬上會回到工作崗位.女王可不是那麼 好當的. < Time for Students 31號 / Top People 凱特布蘭琪 Cate Blanchett > --- 這是好幾年前雜誌的報導跟翻譯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #10JY2ji9 (Cate)