
看板Cate作者 (凱特布蘭琪板New Open!)時間20年前 (2004/03/02 09:55), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Cate Blanchette Filmography 凱特布蘭琪電影史 1994 - Police Rescue -- Vivian 1994 - Heartland (TV Series) -- Beth 1995 - Bordertown (TV Series) 1996 - Parklands -- Rosie 1997 - Paradise Road [ 火線浮生錄 ] -- Susan Macarthy 1997 - Thank God He Met Lizzie [幸福是一尾皺頸蜥蜴] -- Lizzie 1997 - Oscar And Lucinda [ 奧斯卡與露辛達 ] -- Lucinda Leplastrier 1998 - Elizabeth [ 伊莉莎白 ] -- Elizabeth 1999 - An Ideal Husband [ 情人搭錯線 ] -- Lady Gertrude Chiltern 1999 - Pushing Tin [ 空中塞車 ] -- Connie Falzone 1999 - The Talented Mr. Ripley [ 天才雷普利 ] -- Meredith Logue 2000 - The Man Who Cried [ 縱情四海 ] -- Lola 2000 - The Gift [ 靈異大逆轉 ] -- Annie Wilson  2001 - LOTR : The Fellowship Of The Ring [ 魔戒首部曲 ] -- Galadriel 2001 - Charlotte Gray [ 戰地有心人 ] -- Charlotte Gray / Dominique 2001 - The Shipping News [ 真情快遞 ] -- Petal Bear 2001 - Bandits [ 終極土匪 ] -- Kate 2002 - Heaven [ 天堂奔馳 ] -- Philippa Paccard 2002 - LOTR : The Two Towers [ 魔戒二部曲 ] -- Galadriel 2003 - Veronica Guerin [ 鍥而不捨 ] -- Veronica Guerin 2003 - Coffee and Cigarettes 2003 - LOTR : The Return Of The King [ 魔戒三部曲 ] -- Galadriel 2003 - The Missing [ 鬼影迷蹤 ]-- Maggie Gilkeson 2004 - The Aviator [ 神鬼玩家or飛越星河 ]-- Katharine Hepburn 2004 - The Life Aquatic[ 海海人生 ] 2005 - Little Fish --Tracy Heart 2005(?) - The Fountain -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #10G-cky2 (Cate)
文章代碼(AID): #10G-cky2 (Cate)