[閒聊] Noel Gallagher: “Blur and Pulp were

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https://www.nme.com/en_au/news/music/noel-gallagher-blur-and-pulp-were-great-b ands-but-oasis-were-better-3506942 短網址 https://tinyurl.com/2s3v2edf Noel Gallagher: “Blur and Pulp were great bands, but Oasis were better” "Back then, I’d hear Blur or Pulp or Suede on the radio and think – fuck the se idiots" By Alex Rigotti 29th September 2023 Noel Gallagher has said in a new interview that although groups like Blur and Pulp were “great bands”, Oasis was “better”. Speaking to MOJO, Gallagher recalled how he knew his band were destined for st ardom due to his “unshakeable self-belief in Oasis”. “Back then, I’d hear Blur or Pulp or Suede on the radio and think – fuck these idiots,” he began. “But looking back at it now, it was an amazing time for indie music, or whate ver you want to call it. But we were ready to take over. We were ready to wipe everybody out.” Gallagher continued: “I thought Blur, Pulp, The Stone Roses, The La’s, whoev er, they were great people and they had one or two great tunes, but we had twe lve. However loud they were, we were louder. However fast they were, we were f aster. However good they were, we would trump it. “They were all great bands, but we were better. It was as simple as that.” In the same interview, Gallagher also claimed that ‘Definitely Maybe’ “was the last great punk album”. He compared the album to the Sex Pistols: “If you listen to that and ‘Never Mind The Bollocks’, they’re quite similar. That album was about the angst of being a teenager in 1977. Fast forward to 1994 and ‘Definitely Maybe’ is ab out the glory of being a teenager.” Oasis recently announced they were releasing a 25th anniversary reissue of B-s ides from ‘The Masterplan’. Originally released back in 1998, ‘The Masterplan’ is a compilation of singl es from Oasis’ first three albums, ‘Definitely Maybe’ (1994), ‘(What’s Th e Story) Morning Glory?’ (1995), and ‘Be Here Now’ (1997). To celebrate, the Manchester band also shared a new lyric video for ‘Acquiesc e’. The album will be released in various formats on November 3 (pre-order/pr e-save here). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1696146615.A.0DE.html ※ 編輯: cherified ( 臺灣), 10/01/2023 15:53:10

10/02 02:45, 9月前 , 1F
10/02 02:45, 1F

10/02 18:45, 9月前 , 2F
不要在那邊 oasis快出專輯啊(偷笑
10/02 18:45, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #1b6IIt3U (Blur)