[情報] Blur’s Graham Coxon wants an Oasis

看板Blur作者 (榭俐霏)時間1年前 (2022/11/06 20:39), 編輯推噓3(300)
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https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/blur-graham-coxon-wants-oasis-reunion/?amp 短址 https://tinyurl.com/5b7358e5 Blur’s Graham Coxon wants an Oasis reunion Joe Taysom TUE 11TH OCT 2022 12.15 BST Blur guitarist Graham Coxon has said he’ll happily do his bit to help Oasis g et back together, despite the groups being former rivals. Coxon spoke to The Evening Standard and began talking about Oasis after addres sing the speculation Blur were planning to end their hiatus shortly. According to reports, they are reportedly on the brink of a mammoth comeback at Wembley Stadium. The show is rumoured to be part of a tour that’ll mark the 30th ann iversary of their classic album Parklife which was released back in April 1994 . The Sun claimed: “Their plans are being kept closely guarded, but there is a concert at Wembley which has been pencilled in which will coincide with the 30 th anniversary of their second album Parklife.” Now, Coxon has played down the speculation in a new interview and explained: “No, I don’t know what’s going on with Blur, we haven’t really talked abou t anything. I don’t really know what it is. It’s actually quite important th at I say nothing about it for personal reasons.” After being pressed about the speculation, he did give fans a reason to be opt imistic and added: “I hope so. We always get round to it sooner or later.” The guitarist then spoke about other Britpop bands reuniting following Pulp an nouncing their plans to return in 2023. Coxon said: “That would be fun [seein g Pulp return]. Just need Oasis to do it. Knock those brothers’ heads togethe r.” He even said he’d be happy to personally help Oasis reunite and claimed, “Yes, any day. I’d do that. I’d have a chat with them.” -- 有誰也想要? 這裡登記 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1667738390.A.05C.html

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