[分享] NME: Damon最棒的25首歌詞 譯

看板Blur作者 (五色鳥....)時間3年前 (2020/12/31 23:01), 編輯推噓5(502)
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大家新年快樂!2020即將結束~ NME 在 2018年剛好有一篇整理BLUR最棒的 歌詞專文,剛好就趁今年的最後來回味一下 這幾個月大家一起聽的音樂吧~ 這八張BLUR 專輯中,你們最喜歡的歌詞是哪 些呢? 下面翻譯喔嗚嗚~~ 原文網址 https://www.nme.com/list/the-best-of-blur-damon-s-25-finest-lyrics-1131 BLUR超精選/ Damon 最棒的25句歌詞! Damon Albarn在這個世紀譜寫了無數美好的 歌曲,而現在他50歲了(2018年的時候, 所以他現在52了)。 所以你也趕快來接個地 氣,拉把椅子,繃緊你的BLUR神經,讓我們 來回味一下哪些是Damon寫的最佳歌詞吧! No. 25 There’s No Other Way “You’re taking me up, when I don’t want to go up anymore I’m just watching it all” 你滿口同意 當我不想乾耗下去 我就看你繼續瞎扯 No. 24 Advert “I need something to remind me that there’s something else” 我需要一點事來轉移注意力 No. 23 Jubilee “Jubilee slouches in the settee He’s losing all will to move He’s gone divvy, too much telly He’s watching 24 hours of rubbish” Jubilee 癱在沙發上 完全喪失移動意志 電視太多讓他看傻 吸收二四小時垃圾 No. 22 Birthday I don’t like this day It makes me feel too small” 我討厭這一天 覺得我好渺小 No. 21 On The Way To The Club “And I just wanna be, darling with you The music’s made that way” 我只想和你纏綿 是這音樂造成的 No. 20 Under The Westway "Bring us the day they switch off the machines ‘Cause men in yellow jackets are putting adverts inside my dreams” 帶我們來到系統休止那天 反光外套男 正在我夢裡張貼廣告 No. 19 Colin Zeal “Looks at his watch – he’s on time, yet again He’s pleased with himself He’s pleased with himself He’s so pleased with himself” 看著他的手錶 他又準時一次 他自我感覺超良好 No. 18 Girls & Boys “Avoiding all work ‘cos there’s none available Like battery thinkers Count your thoughts on 1 2 3 4 5 fingers” 逃避所有工作 因為現正休假 像無腦症患者 算算你的想法 五隻指頭數完! No. 17 He Thought Of Cars “Moscow’s still red, the young man’s dead Gone to heaven instead The evening news says he was confused” 莫斯科依舊赤紅 年輕男子的凋零 乾脆直接上天堂 No. 16 Strange News From Another Star “All I want to be is washed out by the sea No death star over me won’t give me any peace” 我想做的只有 被海浪沖刷 沒有死星會終結我 不會帶來一絲祥和 No. 15 Essex Dogs “You’ll catch the flu or you’ll catch the city” 你會獲得感冒病毒 或會獲得城市關注 No. 14 All Your Life [Blur同名專輯B-side第一首] 聽歌這裡 https://youtu.be/lR3nCdjy4jE
] “Put a new shirt on, wash my face in beer Fall through the crowd and disappear In the teenage magazines and shopping malls Walk through the wildlife for miles and miles” 穿上了新衣服 用啤酒洗把臉 低身穿越人潮 消失不見 青少年雜誌和購物中心裡 一哩一哩的穿過野生動物 No. 13 This Is A Low “And the Queen, she’s gone round the bend Jumped off Land’s End” 而女王 已失去理智 轉身躍下世界盡頭 No. 12 Beetlebum And when she lets me slip away, she turns me on all my violence is gone, nothing is wrong I just slip away and I am gone” 當她讓我讓我漂浮 點燃我的慾火 解除暴戾 這沒什麼不對 我就此漂浮 直至遠離 No. 11 Country House “City dweller, successful fella Thought to himself ‘oops, I’ve got a lot of money'” 都市居民 成功人士 他想著 喔我超有錢 No. 10 Crazy Beat “Why are the C.I.A. having fun They think you’re clever ‘cos you’ve blown up your lungs” 為什麼那些調查探員玩得開心 他們自認聰明 因為你志得意滿 No. 9 Tender “Tender is the night lying by your side Tender is the touch of someone that you love too much Tender is the day the demons go away Lord I need to find someone who can heal my mind” 溫柔 是夜晚躺在你身邊 溫柔 是你最愛的人撫摸 溫柔 是惡魔離去的那天 神啊 我需要治癒我心靈的人 No. 8 Lonesome Street “And if you have nobody left to rely on I’ll hold you in my arms and let you drift” 如果你無所依靠 我會緊握你手臂 帶領你漂浮 No. 7 The Universal “Every paper that you read says tomorrow is your lucky day Well, here’s your lucky day” 每份報紙都說明天是你的幸運日 來吧,這就是你的幸運日 No. 6 Dan Abnormal “Dan went to his local burger bar I want Mcnormal and chips or I’ll blow you to bits Give us it” Dan到了當地漢堡店 :一份普丹和薯條 不然我會砸你店 給我拿來 No. 5 End Of A Century “And we all say, don’t want to be alone We wear the same clothes ‘cos we feel the same And kiss with dry lips when we say goodnight End of the century… it’s nothing special” 我們總是說 不想獨自一人 穿著同樣衣服 感覺一致 互道晚安 簡單親吻彼此 世紀末 沒有什麼特別 No. 4 Charmless Man “Educated the expensive way He knows his claret from a Beaujolais I think he’d like to have been Ronnie Kray But then nature didn’t make him that way” 花費昂貴教育經費 他認識薄酒萊紅酒 我想他大概想當Ronnie Kray 理智讓他保持善良 No. 3 For Tomorrow “She’s a twentieth century girl holding on for dear life And then so we hold each other tightly And hold on for tomorrow” 她是二十世紀少女,為生活努力 因此他們緊握彼此 為了明天撐下去 No. 2 To The End “Well you and I, collapsed in love And it looks like we might have made it Yes, it looks like we’ve made it to the end” 是 你和我 在愛裡殞落 看似是我們導致 是 是我們導致終結 No. 1 Out Of Time “And you’ve been so busy lately that you haven’t found the time To open up your mind And watch the world spinning gently out of time” 你一直如此汲汲營營 始終無法空出時間 去展開你的胸懷 看著地球旋轉 慢慢消逝時光 今天翻譯就這樣啦~ 祝福大家迎接美好的新年! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1609426864.A.C6F.html

12/31 23:08, 3年前 , 1F
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01/01 00:52, 4年前 , 3F
happy new year
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01/01 17:43, 4年前 , 5F
推推 新年快樂
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01/03 07:46, 4年前 , 7F
happy new year
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