[分享] Star Shaped 歌詞中譯

看板Blur作者 (五色鳥....)時間3年前 (2020/11/02 21:30), 編輯推噓3(305)
留言8則, 3人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
今天是這首Star Shaped,歌名也是 Blur第一 支紀錄片片名,紀錄片裡面的四個人都爆炸年 輕可愛,想看一下小鮮肉的各位千萬注意小心 不要被掰彎或掰直(本人差點被掰直XD) 有趣的是,YouTube 這首歌下面的網友回應提 到這首歌根本是典型的INTJ,這勾起了我的好 奇心~goo了之後發現原來這是16型人格測驗 ,覺得很有趣,有興趣也可以玩一下看看自己 是哪種人格~ https://www.16personalities.com 雖然是英文網頁,但裡面也有簡體中文。雖然 我看得不太順眼,不過我還是敗給了懶惰XD 我測出來是INTP-A,大家呢?有沒有人剛好 跟這首歌一樣是INTJ呀XD 下面中文翻譯 Star Shaped Wash with new soap, behind the collar Keeps a clean mental state Don't usually bother, in cold weather But, still, I'm getting into work late 用塊新肥皂清洗領口 保持心靈狀態的純淨 對寒冷日子不太介意 仍舊開始熱衷於加班 And I don't need the practice 不需要墨守成規 I've been making plans (for the future) Become an unconscious man (all for the good) I feel so unnecessary (We don't think so, you seem star shaped) 我經常著手規劃(為了未來) 開始過的無意識(往好處想) 我覺得好沒必要 (我們不覺得,你看來光芒萬丈) Have a couple at the weekend Keeps up camaraderie And my mind boggles in the middle At the possibilities 在週末有個伴侶 保持彼此的忠誠 我的心進退兩難 在開放可能性下 And I don't need the practice 不需要墨守成規 I've been making plans (for the future) Become an unconscious man (all for the good) I feel so unnecessary (We don't think so, you seem star shaped) 我經常著手規劃(為了未來) 開始過的無意識(往好處想) 我覺得好沒必要 (我們不覺得,你看來光芒萬丈) And I've been making plans (for the future) Become an unconscious man (all for the good) I feel so unnecessary (We don't think so, you seem star shaped) 我經常著手規劃(為了未來) 開始過的無意識(往好處想) 我覺得好沒必要 (我們不覺得,你看來光芒萬丈) I wash with new soap, behind the collar Helps keep down the laundry And, now I bother in cold weather Because it cleans me mentally 用塊新肥皂清洗領口 有效幫助清洗髒衣物 開始對寒冷日子介意 他讓我保持心靈純淨 And I really don't need the practice 不需要墨守成規 I've been making plans (for the future) Become an unconscious man (all for the good) I feel so unnecessary (We don't think so, you seem star shaped) 我經常著手規劃(為了未來) 開始過的無意識(往好處想) 我覺得好沒必要 (我們不覺得,你看來光芒萬丈) I've been making plans (for the future) Become an unconscious man (all for the good) I feel so unnecessary (We don't think so, you seem star shaped) 我經常著手規劃(為了未來) 開始過的無意識(往好處想) 我覺得好沒必要 (我們不覺得,你看來光芒萬丈) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1604323849.A.CDA.html

11/02 22:13, 3年前 , 1F
11/02 22:13, 1F

11/02 22:25, 3年前 , 2F
11/02 22:25, 2F

11/02 22:25, 3年前 , 3F
11/02 22:25, 3F

11/02 22:26, 3年前 , 4F
11/02 22:26, 4F

11/02 23:43, 3年前 , 5F
我兩年前做是INFJ-A 這次做也是INFJ-T 哈哈
11/02 23:43, 5F

11/03 01:20, 3年前 , 6F
11/03 01:20, 6F

11/03 21:52, 3年前 , 7F
11/03 21:52, 7F

11/03 23:53, 3年前 , 8F
agree XDD
11/03 23:53, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ve0e9pQ (Blur)
文章代碼(AID): #1Ve0e9pQ (Blur)