[分享] Chemical World 歌詞中譯

看板Blur作者 (五色鳥....)時間3年前 (2020/10/05 22:04), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 3人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
今天是來自A大點播的Chemical World! 是說我一直對於拼出這個字有很大的障礙, 不管重寫幾次都可以拼錯,所以如果後面有 錯誤的話請求指正啊~ 翻譯這首歌的時候有遭遇一些小困難,主要 是在副歌的部分最後一句,到底是放在什麼 洞?為什麼我每個字都看懂了但是想不通是 什麼意思! 後來問了一下英國的blur粉絲們,據說這句 類似 chip away at their own happiness/ society之類的意思,所以我只能大約意會 這句的涵義是這樣,如果大家有不同想法也 歡迎討論喔~~ 接下來就是歌詞了! Chemical World The pay-me girl has had enough of the bleeps So she takes the bus into the country Although she got herself rosy cheeks She didn't leave enough money to pay the rent The landlord says that she's out in a week What a shame she was just getting comfy Now she's eating chocolate to induce sleep In a chemical world, it's very, very, very cheap 結帳店員受夠了嗶嗶聲 所以跳上巴士逃往鄉村 雖然她抹上玫瑰色腮紅 但卻沒剩半毛錢繳房租 房東限時一週搬離這裡 真可惜她才剛住得慣習 她吃著巧克力催眠自己 在這個化工世界裡 什麼都超超超便宜 And I don't know about you But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes It's been a hell of a do But they're been putting the holes in, yes, yes 不知道你怎麼想的 但他們很適應這樣 很好很好 就像在煎熬中度過 但他們一直適應良好 沒錯沒錯 Peeping Thomas has a very nice view Across the street at the exhibitionist These townies they never speak to you Just stick together so they never get lonely Feeling lead, feeling quite light-headed Had to sit down and have some sugary tea In a chemical world, in a chemical world It's very, very, very cheap 泰晤士河邊景致超好 跨越街道這出盡風頭 這些都市人才不鳥你 就要黏在一起才不覺得孤單 覺得太超前 頭有點暈 需要坐下來 來杯甜茶 在這個化工世界裡 在這個化工世界裡 什麼都超超超便宜 And I don't know about you But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes It's been a hell of a do But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes 不知道你怎麼想的 但他們很適應這樣 很好很好 就像在煎熬中度過 但他們一直適應良好 沒錯沒錯 I don't know about you But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes It's been a hell of a do But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes 不知道你怎麼想的 但他們很適應這樣 很好很好 就像在煎熬中度過 但他們一直適應良好 沒錯沒錯 And now she's right out of view They've been putting the holes in, yes, yes I don't talk about you But they're putting the holes in, yes, yes 她現在看開了些 他們很適應這樣 很好很好 就像在煎熬中度過 但他們一直適應良好 沒錯沒錯 Until you can see right through Until you can see right through Until you can see right through 直到你看透他們 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1601906656.A.842.html

10/06 10:05, 3年前 , 1F
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10/06 20:39, 3年前 , 2F
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10/06 22:34, 3年前 , 3F
chemical world MV裡的Damon 皮膚好到不行
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10/06 23:05, 3年前 , 4F
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10/06 23:08, 3年前 , 5F
Graham一離開他就元氣盡失 看來是不可分割的一部分啊
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10/07 00:02, 3年前 , 6F
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文章代碼(AID): #1VUoVWX2 (Blur)
文章代碼(AID): #1VUoVWX2 (Blur)