[情報] Damon Albarn 接受滾石雜誌訪問

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Damon在 Blur於 Coachella演出之前接受滾石雜誌的訪問在昨天刊出, 談到了 Blur的新專輯還有他個人專輯的計畫等等。 原文及圖:http://tinyurl.com/p74f67w 就訪問的內容翻譯一下,翻得不好的地方請見諒:) Q&A: Damon Albarn on the Future of Blur, His First Ever Solo Album and Why He Doesn't Hate Oasis Anymore Checking in with the busiest man in rock in the middle of another jam-packed year BY JONATHAN RINGEN May 28, 2013 6:00 AM ET Damon Albarn is hours away from the first U.S. Blur show in years, but as he kicks back on a hotel patio overlooking a golf course near Coachella, his mind drifts to other things. Like the record he made with Bobby Womack, before the soul legend almost died last year. "He's OK," Albarn says, taking a sip of green tea. "We've actually just confirmed to play Glastonbury – he's got incredible spirit, you know?" Or his spectacular Peking-opera-inspired Monkey: Journey to the West, which is coming to New York's Lincoln Center in July after an acclaimed run in London. "The exciting thing about productions is they change every time," he says. "I'll have the perspective this time to actually see if it's any good." And he's definitely psyched about his first solo record, which he recently wrapped with XL Records boss Richard Russell. "Richard does the rhythmic side, and I do everything else," Albarn says. "It's sort of folk soul." Albarn plans to hit the road behind the LP, playing songs drawn from his entire career, including Blur and Gorillaz, for the first time. And a new Blur LP, which the band would record between festival gigs in Europe this summer, is a definite possibility. "We've got a couple of occasions when we're stuck in the middle of nowhere," he says. "So we might make the record in a week. If we can, it would be nice." 訪談問答內容: Q: What drives you to take on all these different projects? There's Blur; Gorillaz; the Good, the Bad and the Queen; two operas; and way more. 是什麼促使你做這麼多不同的事情呢? A: I get bored extremely easily. Blur was definitely my Nineties, Gorillaz was my 2000s, and then I've done a lot of different stuff this decade. 我很容易就感到無聊了。Blur是我的90年代;Gorillaz是我的2000年代, 而這十年我又做了許多不同的事情。 Q: How connected do you feel to songs you wrote, at this point, decades ago? 對於以前寫的歌,你覺得和現在的你有多大的連結? A: I enjoy playing them. A lot of the songs were quite dystopian in their worldview. And a lot of that stuff is much more pressing now than it was then. It seemed like the future then, and now it just seems like every day. So I can kind of get into it. 我很享受表演這些歌。很多歌的觀點是反烏托邦式的;很多歌現在則是更逼人了, 它們在當時看起來像未來會發生的事,現在則是好像每天都在上演, 所以我很能投入在其中。 Q:Is there a song that you think was especially prescient? 有哪一首歌你覺得是未卜先知呢? A: song like [1995's] "The Universal," which sings about, "This is the next century, where the universal's free . . . satellites in every home . . . " 像是 The Universal這首歌:這是下個世紀,每個人家裡都有衛星... Q: Blur is one of the biggest bands of all time in England, but the tune the band is best known for in America is "Song 2," which is pretty uncharacteristic. What's it like to have that in your pocket? The reaction to that song must be so intense. Blur在英格蘭很出名,不過在美國最有名的還是 song 2這首歌,這蠻不尋常的。 對此你有什麼感想? 表演它時反應一定很熱烈吧! A: The "woo-hoo" one, yes. Well, thank god! It really is guaranteed to make the whole place explode. Unfortunately, it's only two minutes. 沒錯,這首歌保證讓現場情緒嗨翻。很可惜它只有兩分鐘。 Q: In some ways Gorillaz are a bigger band in America than Blur. 某些方面來說 Gorillaz比Blur在美國成功。 A: Oh much bigger, yeah. It would be nice to play "Clint Eastwood" and "Feel Good Inc." with Blur, but I can't. They won't play them with me! [Laughs] But I've just finished a solo record – when I go tour that, I'll play play stuff from all my different bands. 成功的可多了。如果可以和blur其他成員一起表演 Clint Eastwood和Feel Good Inc. 那一定很棒,不過我不行這樣做,因為他們不會同意的!(笑) 不過我剛完成了一張 個人專輯,當我為它巡迴時,我會表演我在不同樂團裡的歌曲。 Q: What's the record like? 這張專輯長得什麼樣子? A:I've been making it with [XL Records chief] Richard Russell. We worked together on the Bobby Womack record, and really enjoy working together. He's done spectacularly well as a music mogul, but I think he wants to focus his energy on producing records. Making a solo record is can be such a disaster, so I thought if we're going to make a record with my name on it, I should get someone to really produce it – take that responsibility away from myself. Richard does the kind of rhythmic side of it and I do everything else. 我和 XL唱片的 Richard Russell一起錄製它,我們在 Bobby Womack的專輯 合作得很愉快。他做為音樂產業巨擘表現很稱職,不過我想他現在應該更想 參予製作唱片。出個人專輯可能是一場災難,所以我想如果要以我個人名義 出一張唱片,我最好找個人來好好製作,把那個責任壓力稍微分擔一下。 Richard掌握節奏而我做其他的部分。 Q: How is Bobby doing? Bobby最近怎樣? A: He's not the healthiest of guys, but he's able to do gigs and he's got incredible spirit. He doesn't let anything keep him down too long, you know? As soon as he opens his mouth and that voice comes out, he's just transported. It's such a magnificent voice. 我不會說他很健康,不過他還是能應付演出,而且他擁有強大的意志精神。 他不會任何事阻礙他太久;他的聲音有著驚人的力量。 Q: What did you learn from that last huge, spectacular tour you did with Gorillaz in 2010? 從2010年Gorillaz大陣仗的巡演你學到了什麼? A: That was the most expensive tour of all time. I had 70 musicians. I toured around the world, played massive venues all around the world. I made about 20 pounds by the end of it [laughs], so I won't be going on another of those. It was incredible fun, I loved doing it, but economically it was an absolute fucking disaster. 那真的是很昂貴的巡演,我帶著70個音樂家,在世界各地的大場地中演出。 我最後賺了20英磅(笑),所以我大概不會在這樣做了。這真的好玩極了, 我很愛這樣表演,不過就商業來說這真是一場災難。 Q: Tell me about the opera – the footage I saw online looked incredible. 談談你的歌劇吧! A: It's very eccentric. It's colorful and youthful and fantastic for kids. I mean it's just a brilliant thing for kids. My daughter was inspired enough by it to start learning Mandarin after she watched it. And it's got this wonderful sort of anti-hero monkey who's just so irreverent and almost . . . amoral [laughs]. Kids love a character like that. 它很古怪,色彩繽紛、青春洋溢,很適合給小孩看。我的女兒還因此而想要去學中文。 這隻猴子不是傳統的英雄角色,不僅無禮甚至反道德(笑)。兒童都很愛這種角色。 Q: What kind of research went into it? 你怎麼為這齣戲收集題材的? A: I had four very interesting journeys across China. Like two weeks at a time. We were taken to some very rural, untouched places far away from the crazy commercial growth aspect of China. Back to places that felt positively medieval. I listened to a lot of traditional music, too. One day I had lunch with a music professor in Beijing and I quite earnestly sat down with him and said, "So what advice can you give me as to how to approach this?" And he took me into this library and there were like 1000 books of Chinese folk music notated and said, "Well, you either do it that way or just . . . do it instinctively." So I went for the latter. 我有過四次有趣的中國旅行經驗,大概一次兩周這樣吧。我們去了一些鄉村地方, 遠離了經濟發展的塵囂。這些地方感覺很中世紀,我也聽了很多傳統的音樂。 有一天我和一位音樂教授在北京用中餐,我問他該如何了解這種音樂呢? 於是他帶我到一個圖書館,裡面大概有上千本書吧,他說:「我們都這樣做 (研究這些書)或是憑感覺。」 所以我當然選了後者啦! Q: The Stone Roses are also playing tonight. Are they friends? The Stone Roses今晚也要演出,你們是朋友嗎? A: We're not friends, but I know them. We Brits always stick together. And all of the animosity of the Nineties is gone. I mean, I was playing "Tender" with Noel [Gallagher] at the Albert Hall two weeks ago, with Paul Weller on the drums. It's all in the past now. 我們不算朋友,不過我認識他們。我們英國人總是黏在一起。 所有90年代的愛恨情仇都已成過往-你看,我和 Noel Gallagher 一起演出 Tender這首歌,還有 Paul Weller做為鼓手, 那些東西早就是過去式了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/30 12:24, , 1F
05/30 12:24, 1F

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