看板Blur作者 (路西安小姐)時間18年前 (2006/09/08 21:19), 編輯推噓0(001)
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JAMES IN AWE OF ZETA-JONES 05/09/2006 17:52 http://tinyurl.com/q6d86 BLUR bassist ALEX JAMES has written a tribute to CATHERINE ZETA-JONES in British magazine Glamour, praising the actress' rise from Welsh valley girl to Oscar-winning Hollywood star. The BEETLEBUM hitmaker has watched Zeta-Jones' transformation from her humble beginnings on British TV series THE DARLING BUDS OF MAY in the early 1990s to her current Hollywood lifestyle, acting in a slew of films and wife to acting legend MICHAEL DOUGLAS. James says, "Catherine has never been a fanfared, great white British hope like KATE WINSLET. One minute she was in some nasty ITV drama, the next she was Hollywood box office and wife supreme. "That girl next door 'it could have been you' quality is the basis of her triumphs. But it's also the prime cause of all the jealously and resentment that comes her way. Which kind of makes her an old-fashioned heroine in real-life. "There's some earthy about her beauty as well, suggesting a certain attainabi- lity. She's not inscrutable or other-worldly the way many screen stars are." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/08 21:23, , 1F
覺得小麗塔真的超美又超sexy ^~^*
09/08 21:23, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #150Mtg06 (Blur)