John Lennon 書信拍賣

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這封長達六頁 John Lennon 生前的親筆書信 是寫給 Paul McCartney 和他當時的太太 Linda 時機正好是披頭剛解散不久的敏感時刻 1970 年 信中闡述了他和 Paul 複雜又苦樂交錯的關係 以及表達他對於 Paul 對待小野洋子的不滿 以下是報導以及書信部份內容: Angry letter from John Lennon to Paul McCartney to be auctioned An expletive-filled, handwritten letter drafted by John Lennon to Paul McCartney and his wife, Linda, after the Beatles' 1970 breakup is to be sold at auction. The six-page draft -- expected to fetch up to $112,000 when it goes under the hammer at Christie's on Oct. 4 -- captures the bitterness between Lennon and the McCartneys during and immediately after the Fab Four's demise, and Lennon's anger at the treatment of Yoko Ono. "I hope you realize what (expletive) you and the rest of my kind and unselfish friends laid on Yoko & me since we have been together -- It might have sometimes been a bit more subtle or should I say `middle class' -- but not often," Lennon wrote, according to excerpts released by Christie's. The letter, which historians have written about, also provides a first-person account of Lennon's decision to leave the Beatles. Disgusted by their mega-band status and feeling trapped by fame, Lennon wrote that he told Paul McCartney he was quitting, which was met with pleas to "just let it (peter) out" and to "keep quiet about" the breakup. "I'm not ashamed of the Beatles, but some of the (expletive) we took to make them so big," he wrote. "Do you really believe that most of today's art came about because of the Beatles? -- I don't believe you're that insane Paul -- do you believe that? ... Didn't we always say we were part of the movement -- not all of it? Of course we changed the world -- but try and follow through -- get off your gold disc and fly!" source: san francisco gate Cheers! 眾人皆醉我獨醒 Patsy "Gallagher" -- When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong. --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 61-218-158-123.HINET-IP.hinet.n
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